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5 best Fortnite dance

#5 -Fresh

One of the earliest internationally recognized dances in Fortnite, Fresh comes in at number five on our list. An almost direct representation of the "Carlton" dance from the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air TV show, Fresh became immediately popular thanks to its widespread appeal. Players who were fans of the show and those who weren't could all enjoy this groovy emote.

#4 - Wiggle


Unlike Fresh, Wiggle is both a dance and a way to BM (bad manner) an enemy. Essentially, this emote is popularly used when an enemy is killed. Then, when the eliminated enemy would spectate you, they would see the Wiggle and be even more infuriated. Also, the dance itself is pretty catchy.

#3 - The Worm


Another classic dance, The Worm has multiple uses in Fortnite. Not only is it a great dance move, it can also be used strategically. Many players have equipped it as bullets were flying at them since your movements are so unpredictable. This way, enemies have a hard time hitting you and survival is made a little easier.

#2 - Tidy


Sometimes simplicity is the best formula for a Fortnite emote. Tidy is by no means a very complicated dance move nor does it have as much cultural appeal as the others on this list. However, it is extremely popular for its catchy song and replicable dance move.

#1 - Take The L


If there's one emote that's both well-known in Fortnite and in real life, it's Take The L. Released way back in Season 3, this emote was an immediate success thanks to its ability to show dominance on the Fortnite island. There's very little more frustrating than an enemy pulling out this emote after they've killed you.

Top 5 Best Fortnite Dances of Every Season | Season 1-10
