Konnov Pavel Petrovich / Konnov Pavel – engineer, live-action films and television director,
Specializes in electrification and automation in agriculture,
The faculty of electricity and technologies,
Volgograd State Agricultural University in Volgograd
Abstract: this paper deals with the dating of the Voynich manuscript based on the translated words that were common in 16-17 centuries as well as on some historical events described in the manuscript.
Key words: analysis, matrix of symbols, Charomutny Russian language, Voynich manuscript, Platon Lukashevych , verstanie, arrest, Stoglavy Sobor, Stoglav, Patriarch Filaret of Moscow, Hernán Cortés, the Time of Troubles, Corsairs, House of Lords, Fernando Cortés, changes in books.
The Voynich manuscript is an illustrated codex, which was presumably written in early 15th century by an unknown author in an unknown language using an unknown alphabet. However , I date this book to the 16-17 centuries [1]. My dating is based on the text of particular pages translated from the Charomutny Russian language.
The fifth flower , page 9
“After they stopped thrashing about over the completely joyless demons, enslaved the fighters, lost the pride of ancient reasons of honorable enrollment of the good neighborly packs, the folk made a fool of themselves”. [2]
Here the key word is “enrollment” or “Verstanie”, in Russian, in Russia of 16-17 centuries the word “Verstanie” meant the enrollment of nobles, the children of boyar and gorodovoy Kazaks in the army and the allocation of land and money . [3]
It is not the only word that dates to that time period. Another example is “Lord Drag”.
The fifth flower, 2nd paragraph.
« The demons, the old Lord Drag, tempted the sons of Yar to sin. Seeing the newcomers at the weakened military bases of Nazis, the Lord, only stamped on the plots of the packs, arrested the rest, began with equal neighborliness and started finding the fathers being not guilty». [2]
The House of Lords was already present in the 14th century, but became at the height of its power only in 1544. [4] Which also proves that the manuscript dates to 16-17 centuries.
The next word is the word “Arrest”. It was borrowed from the German language in the 17th century , Arrest < from the Medi eval Latin , Arrestum — and arrestare , which means “to stop or to halt ». Arrest literary means “capture ”. [5]
On the page 10, in the 6th flower and its 2nd paragraph we come across a historical figure, Hernán Cortés, the pirate.
«The Pirates of Cortés, as if foreshowing the laws of permission of the technology fighters, have traitorously declared the accessible ability of the complex drain to clone». [2]
Fernando Cortés de Monroy y Pizarro Altamirano or mostly known as Fernando , Hernándo, Fernan or Hernán Cortés ( 1485 — 1547 ) was a Spanish Conquistador, who conquered Mexico and caused the fall of the Aztec Empire. It was because of him that Europestarted using vanilla and chocolate in 1520s [6]. It also proves that the manuscript dates back to the 16th century.
In this paragraph we also see a “modern” word, “clone”. However, its origin is a Greek word “klon”, which means a twig or a shoot. [7]
Page 12, the 8th flower, the 2nd paragraph. [2]
«Clones, based on the experience of hordes, were to inherit the equilibrium of Corsairs the vow of the royal European family lines the kinship of a sword and a word».
Here we take the word “Corsair”.
Corsairs were privateer s authorized by the crown of the warring nation to use an armed ship (which was also called a privateer or a corsair ) in order to conduct raids on the trade ships of the opponent , and sometimes even of the neutral states . The same name was also given to the crew of the ship .
In 1522 corsairs led by Jean Fleury attacked the convoy that transported gold , sent by Hernán Cortés. In order to protect itself Spain made a new arrangement in 1560, all the trade ships from America had to form a convoy that was protected by military ships . [8]
Here we also see how Hernán Cortés interacted with Corsairs in the 16th century.
Page 16, the 12 th flower .
“Russia has put down the last treasure of the twilight years behind the dogs, under the will of fasting of the power of blood, and their house was chained by a simple lock of “Praise”, before this the ancient Slavic people were managing the truth of “Aries”.
The grass started growing on the road of the Stoglav, the Throne is to be merged again by the finger of the wolves’ field, by the wheel that protects from a curse (others), to create a word of the family line, the fighters of the twilight years, in the fight of a repost to not let the words get ancient, as if the post of beaters of the printing has washed away the walls of gangs (packs)”[2]
In this example we look at two words, “Russia” and “Stoglav”.
Since the late 15th century and during the 16th century the Russian State started to be more and more often referred to as Russia. [9]
The word “Stoglav” mean s a collection of decisions of the “Stoglavy Sobor”, the Russian Church Council, of 1551, which also belongs to the 16th century. One of the chapters was dedicated to the “ Mistakes made in the course of copying liturgical books». [10]
Thus, we read in the Voynich manuscript that The Stoglavy Sobor rejected the idea of reprinting the books (repost), where one might find the information on the war between gangs, packs and vampires. It means that these legends were erased from history. On the page 130 of the Voynich manuscript we once again come across the topic of the made changes:
The round scheme,
The 3rd circle:
“Taking the right of the posts of a finger, chaining (ordering) the reproach of hell sins the support of the foundation of repentance of the face of protoancestors, by eternalizing Yar to the ashes of the Filaret’s expressions to remove the enemies of the printing of the watch of Bogorovs in the old summer of anger for the word (moat)”.
The phrase, “eternalizing Yar to the ashes of the Filaret’s expressions” refers to the changes in the pagan books written in Charomutny language by Patriarch Filaret, after being rewritten they would lose their initial hidden meaning. The “Bogrovs Watch” is a protective structure of gangs and packs.
Patriarch Filaret of Moscow or Feodor Nikitich Romanov, around 1553 or 1554 — 1 ( 11 ) October 1633 , was a church and political figure during the Time of Troubles and the following period. He was the Patriarch of Moscow and of all Russia between 1619 and 1633 . He was a cousin of Feodor I Ioannovich, the tsar of Russia and the father of the first tsar of Russiafrom the House of Romanov, Michael I .
Filaret paid a lot of attention to the books printing as well as to correcting mistakes in the texts of ancient manuscripts. In 1620 restarted the work of th e Moscow Printing House in Nikolskaya Street. The printing house was first opened by Ivan the Terrible in 1553. Filaret has also arranged a “correcting facility”, a special room for proof-readers ( the editors of ancient manuscripts ). Filaret paid special attention to the “ purity ” of ancient texts that is why only the most educated clergymen could become proof-readers . Their task was to check the texts , based on the ancient Slavic manuscripts , though sometimes they had to look at the Greek source texts . The corrected books were delivered to cloisters , churches and shops at their initial cost . [11]
There is another piece of evidence, the Rohonc Codex. The author of this codex as well as its language and the date of publishing are also unknown.
However, this codex is also written in the Charomutny Russian language.
Page 11
«The sun will show us an ocean of worlds; it’s dangerous to play with the sun, the greyness of dream and evil spirits are to be washed away, the homeland calls for protection. [12]
Step on the rainbow of the universe, let it on the grass and it will find the Ocean»
Studying the material from which the codex was made the Hungarian scientists concluded that it was Venetian paper produced in 1530s. [13]
Based on the data presented above, the Voynich manuscript was written in 16-17 centuries or even later , but it definitely describes the events of the 16-17 centuries. Due to religious and political reasons these books were never republished again just like the Voynich manuscript . These books were referred to as “ The elimination of illiteracy, the attempt of the last truth-seeker ». That is why it can be said that the 16 -17 centuries were the time period, when the lie was legalized . This period also matches the Time of Troubles in Russia .
List of references
1. Konnov P.P. The Voynich manuscript written in the Charomutny Russian language // Achievements of science and education, 2020 No. 5(59). P.1
2. Beinecke MS 408. Yale UniversityLibrary Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library. ca. 1401-1599?. 214 c.
3. Academic Dictionary // Verstanie [Electronic resource] 2020. URL https://dic.academic.ru/dic.nsf/enc3p/86530 (Date of access: 27.03.2020)
4. Wikipedia . House of Lords // History [Electronic resource] 2020. URL https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9F%D0%B0%D0%BB%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B0_%D0%BB%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%B4%D0%BE%D0%B2 (Date of access: 03.03.2018).
5. Academic Dictionary // Etymological Dictionary of the Russian language [Electronic resource] 2020. URL https://etymological.academic.ru/90/%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%B5%D1%81%D1%82 (Date of access: 31.03.2020)
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