Captured commander of the 12th Army of the Red Army, Major-General P.G. Ponedelin (center) and the commander of the 13th Rifle Corps of the 12th Army, Major-General N. Kirillov. District Uman. August 1941.
At the beginning of August 1941 to the south of Uman German army of 20 divisions of the 6 th and 12 th Army from the Southern Front were surrounded. The prisoner got about 55 thousand Soviet soldiers and officers, including Soviet generals Ponedelin and Kirillov.
April 29, 1945 they were liberated by American army. May 3, 1945 they were handed over to the Soviet side.
August 25, 1950 sentenced by the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR under treason by the military, the Soviet generals P.G. Ponedelin and N.K. Kirillov sentenced to capital punishment and on the same day shot.
Photography Location: Uman
Date: August 1941