Soviet soldier rips Nazi swastika out of the gate Metallurgical Plant named after Voykov in liberated Kerch in the process of liberation from Nazi invaders. Finally, the city was liberated from the invaders April 11, 1944.
Named after Voykov Metallurgical Plant was the scene of fierce fighting during the collapse of the Crimean front and occupation of Kerch in May 1942. The Metallurgical Plant named after Voykov defended consolidated units of the 44th Army, covering the retreating Soviet troops crossing through the Kerch Strait. Active defense phase lasted from May 18 to August 5, 1942, after the remnants of the defenders went down to the underground utility plant, and from there continued to fight against the invaders. The last skirmish at the Metallurgical Plant named after Voykov dates back 1942 years cember.
Photography Location: Kerch, Crimea
Date: April 1944
Author: Eugene Khaldey