Have you ever noticed that as soon as you get to the right place thing line up just as they should ? So smoothly that you fell you've always been like that.
Take me for instance . I've been trying to move house like forever (got stuck living with my parents again , after my divorce, another story), so... I did the thing i never thought would work. It's called visualising stuff. Have you heard of it? It's like you're tricking the universe imagining that you've already have what you wish to have. The key is to really believe it, for example even if you don't have the money to buy a car or the opportunity to rent the appartment (yet) you still have to check the available optiont , search for the appartment you like, choose the decor or furniture and then the universe will grant you the opportunity. I've heard so much about it, but always thought it was nothing, until i felt so badly that i couldn't live with my parents anymore. Just couldn't , full stop.
My parents are a great deal of stories, perhaps i'll tell some of them. Let me cut to the chase: Universe ALWAYS hears you ! ALWAYS! And grants you the stuff you need. Maybe not the way you want it, but still.
1 ) My friend opend her own language school, hired me as a teacher. I was thrilled to work with her (for her), but i've always wanted to open my own place and BOOM! The next thing i know i lose my job because she couldn't solve the issues with her landlord. She tell me that the next day is our last working day the day my grandma dies. That was a few days before New Year. So I had to shove my feeling and fears and grief ..you know.. deep inside and started doing something. I had two options. To find another job in the middle of school year, which wasn't impossible , but would be the same stuff all over again or become a self-employed person, knowing nothing about business. I chose the second way. Then an outbreak of Covid happend, but that's another story. Anyway, It worked out pretty well for me.
2) Finally getting my own appartment! Living here for three months now i still can't believe it happened. My parents are very old-fashioned, especially my mum , who has an unbreakable faith that a girl should never and i mean never live alone if she's not married. Have you ever met overprotecting parents? I have a student with a parent like that and this poor boy started to stutter because his mum just couldn't back off just a little. So, believe me when i tell you, growing with an overprotecting parent is not a piece of cake. That also means you wil hear : "If you really love your parents you will do as we say, otherwise you're just selvish, mean and ungrateful child" (the exact words) - a lot. The idea to come back to my parents after my divorce wasn't actually the cleverest one , since it triggered an avalanche of overprotection , wrapping me like a suffocating blanket, but again, not only my parents fault. Anyway. To spare you the details, I found the appartment i liked, i rented it , I told my mum to face the fact that I was gonna move. That didn't go the way i expected (Tell you later) .
So, a year later I'm self-employed, living by myself, no loans, no extra help. Wow! What a boosting -selfesteem shit!) Still have a lot of issues to deal with.) But anyway!
What I'm trying to say guys is that if you really-really want it , ask the universe . And, you know. Start doing something,cause even the Universe cannot kick a couch potatoe's ass. (in a good way)!
A question of a day: Do you believe in fate or think that everything has already been written for us? (I'll tell you my favourite Stephen Hawking quote if you answer this one)