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Brave Girl Adventure

The cave
The cave

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Sally. She lived in a small house with her parents and her pet cat, Whiskers.

One day, Sally wanted to go on an adventure. She put on her red dress and her favorite shoes, and she set out into the forest. She walked for a long time, and soon she came to a beautiful pond.

Sally sat down by the pond and looked at the clear water. She saw many colorful fish swimming in the pond, and she felt happy. She saw a duck swimming in the pond, and she smiled.

Sally decided to take a walk around the pond. She walked and walked, and soon she came to a small cave. She was curious, so she went inside. It was dark, but she could see a light at the end of the cave. She walked towards the light and soon she came to a room. The room was filled with treasure! There were gold coins and diamond necklaces and emerald bracelets. Sally was very excited. She picked up a necklace and put it on. It sparkled in the light.

Sally heard a noise and turned around. It was a dragon! The dragon was big and fierce, and it had fire coming out of its mouth. Sally was scared, but she remembered what her mother had told her: "Be brave."

Sally stood up tall and said, "I will not be afraid. You cannot hurt me."

The dragon looked at Sally and saw that she was brave. It smiled and said, "I will not hurt you. You are a kind and brave girl. You may take as much treasure as you want."

Sally thanked the dragon and took some treasure to bring home to her parents. She said goodbye to the dragon and left the cave. She walked back home, and her parents were happy to see her. They were also happy to see the treasure she brought home.

Sally and her parents lived happily ever after with the treasure. Sally was happy that she had gone on an adventure and that she had been brave.

The end.

Check yourself - answer in the comments:

  1. What is the name of the little girl in the story?
  2. What did the dragon tell the little girl in the cave?
  3. What did the little girl do with the treasure she found in the cave?

Translate the following words:

  • Adventure
  • Cave
  • Treasure
  • Necklace
  • Emerald
  • Brave