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Useful medical abbreviations

A&E - accident and emergency

A&E is the part of a hospital where people go when they are injured or sick and need treatment quickly.


BMI - body mass index

Body mass index (BMI) is a measure of body fat based on height and weight that applies to adult men and women.


BP - blood pressure

On a medical chart, you might see "BP90/60," which signifies that the blood pressure (BP) is 90/60 mm Hg.

c/c - chief complaint

The chief complaint forms the second step of medical history taking.


Dr - doctor

...Dr John Hardy of St Mary's Medical School in London.

Dx - diagnosis

Diagnosis (Dx) is the process of information gathering and clinical reasoning to determine a patient's health problem.


p.o., po, PO - orally / by mouth / oral administration


p.r., pr, PR - rectally



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