1.Eggplant Caviar "Eggplant caviar, eggplant caviar!" - the phrase from the legendary Soviet film "Ivan Vasilievich changes his profession" instantly became a winged phrase. And it was after that movie that eggplant caviar became a popular snack on the Russian table. Moreover, it has never been in short supply. 2.Sorrel stew This green soup is boiled with a lot of sorrel with potatoes and eggs. For the broth you can use chicken or beef broth. If you want to serve this soup you should put some sour cream and fresh herbs in it. 3.Lightly salted cucumbers Crispy cucumbers salted with garlic and dill are a traditional Russian appetizer for vodka, and cucumber brine is a hangover cure. In addition, cucumbers are good as an appetizer for potatoes, used in the preparation of salads (vinaigrette) and soups (rassolnik). 4. Vinaigrette The word for sauce in France has become the name of a full salad in Russia. Probably, vinaigrette appeared in Russian cuisine from Europe. The classic Russian recipe consists of finely chopped boiled beets, carrots, potatoes, onions, peas and pickled or pickled cucumbers with a dressing of oil and vinegar. There are many versions of vinaigrette - with sauerkraut, with beans, with mushrooms, with meat, with chopped eggs and herring. 5. Borsch The most famous soup in Russia (and other countries inhabited by the Slavs) has been prepared since time immemorial, and each region has its own recipes. Each is considered canonical. Some add tomatoes to borscht, some add beans, some add potatoes, and some cook it without meat at all. In any case, for many Russians it is almost an everyday dish.