This week (from Monday 16th) your challenge is to write a poem or a piece of prose in exact 55 words using the word 'Unalloyed'.
• Share a ‘Week’s Writing Prompt’ challenge on your wall and write your piece there on your wall.
• Use the prompt word in your piece of flash fiction, a poem, a piece of news, a blurb for a book/film, a note, a post, a review, an article, etc…anything you like.
• You can use any format or style of writing you like.
• Your piece must contain a week’s word prompt. The title or your piece does not have to count towards the exact word count total, only the body of your piece does.
• The length of your piece must match the number of words stated in this week’s challenge. No more. No less.
• A note on the word: you can use any derivation of the word (for example: a noun, adjective, verb, past participle, present participle, etc).
Looking forward to reading your creations!
If you want to share what you come up with, please leave a link to it in the the comments bellow.