1. In 2014, there was a Tinder match in Antarctica. Two research scientists matched on the global dating app in the most remote part of the world - a man working at the United States Antarctic McMurdo Station and a woman camping a 45-minute helicopter ride away. What are the chances?!
2. The Spanish national anthem has no words. The 'Marcha Real' is one of only four national anthems in the world (along with those of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, and San Marino) to have no official lyrics.
3. The Japanese word 'Kuchi zamishi' is the act of eating when you're not hungry because your mouth is lonely. We do this all the time.
4. The probability of a blue lobster existing is widely touted as being one in two million. Bright blue lobsters are so-coloured because of a genetic abnormality that causes them to produce more of a certain protein than others.
5. There’s only one letter that doesn’t appear in any American state name. There's a Z in Arizona and an X in Texas, but no Q in any of them.
6. Louboutins' iconic red soles were inspired by Andy Warhol. The 60s pop artist's drawing Flowers caught the eye of the famous designer which gave him the idea to add the infamous sole to his designs.
7. A book called 'A la recherche du temps perdu' by Marcel Proust contains an estimated 9,609,000 characters, making it the longest book in the world. The title translates to "Remembrance of Things Past".
8. Google images was literally created after Jennifer Lopez wore that infamous dress at the 2000 Grammys. So many people were searching for her outfit, the search engine added an imagine function.
9. Big Ben's clock stopped at 10:07 p.m. on 27 May 2005, most likely due to an extremely hot temperature of 31.8 degrees Celsius.
10. Walt Disney currently holds the most Academy Awards. Disney won 26 Oscars over the course of his career and was nominated a grand total of 59 times.
11. There's a fruit that tastes like chocolate pudding. Can we get in on this? Apparently, there's a fruit native to Central and South America called black sapote that tastes like chocolate and sweet custard.
12. Queen Elizabeth II was a trained mechanic. When she was 16, the Queen joined the British employment agency at the Labour Exchange and learned the basics of truck repair. Apparently, she can repair tires and repair engines. Is there anything the Queen can't do?!
13. The Easter Island heads have bodies. Those iconic stone heads - you know the ones. In the 2010s, archaeologists found that two of the Pacific Island figures actually had torsos that measured as high as 33 feet.
14. M&Ms are named after the businessmen who created them. But what do the M's stand for? Forrest Mars and Bruce Murrie, who apparently didn't have the best relationship as Mars leveraged Murrie out of his 20% share of the business before it became the biggest-selling sweet in the US. Ouch.
15. Pigeons can tell the difference between Picasso and Monet. What?! A 1995 study shows that the birds can differentiate between the two artists.
16. The real name for a hashtag is an octothorpe. The 'octo' refers to the eight points in the symbol, but according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary the 'thorpe' part is a mystery.
17. The actors who voiced Mickey and Minnie mouse got married in real life. Russi Taylor (Minnie) and Wayne Allwine (Mickey) tied the knot in 1991.
18. You can hear a blue whale's heartbeat from over 2 miles away. Blue whales weigh an average of between 130,000 and 150,000kg, with their hearts weighing roughly 180kg.
19. The last letter added to the English alphabet was 'J'. The letter dates back to 1524, and before that the letter 'i' was used for both the 'i' and 'j' sounds.
20. There is actually a word for someone giving an opinion on something they know nothing about. An 'ultracrepidarian' is someone who voices thoughts beyond their expertise.
21. The Chupa Chups logo was designed by Salvador Dalí. The surrealist artist designed the logo in 1969.
22. Ketchup was once sold as medicine. The condiment was prescribed and sold to people suffering with indigestion back in 1834.
23. The world's longest walking distance is 14,000 miles. You can walk from Magadan in Russia to Cape Town in South Africa. It requires no flying or sailing - just bridges and open roads.
24. The moon has moonquakes. They happen due to tidal stresses connected to the distance between the moon and the Earth.
25. Humans are the only animals that blush. Apparently, we're also the only animals that experience embarrassment, too. This is because it's a complex emotion that involves understanding other people's opinions.
26. All the clocks in Pulp Fiction are set to 4.20. Looks like we're going to have to rewatch the film to find out.
27. Kim Kardashian has a 'glam' clause in her will. It states that if she's ever in a position where she can't get ready herself, can't communicate, or she's unconscious, someone has to make sure her hair, nails, and makeup are all perfect.
28. An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain. This could be why the birds often run round in circles when trying to escape predators despite their fast running speed.
29. A jiffy is an actual unit of time. It's 1/100th of a second.
30. You can't hum if you hold your nose. Hands up if you just tried it!
31. Vatican City is the smallest country in the world. It's 120 times smaller than the island of Manhattan.
32. Japan has over 200 flavours of Kit Kats. They're exclusively created for different regions, cities, and seasons. There are some tasty-sounding ones like banana, blueberry cheesecake and Oreo ice cream, as well as some very questionable ones like baked potato, melon and cheese, wasabi, and vegetable juice.