Уважаемые коллеги, доброго времени суток! Представляем вам польское научное издание Arterial Hypertension. Журнал имеет четвёртый квартиль, издаётся в Via Medica, находится в открытом доступе, его SJR за 2021 г. равен 0,158, печатный ISSN - 2449-6170, электронный - 2449-6162, предметные области - Кардиология и кардиоваскулярная медицина, Эндокринология, диабет и обмен веществ, Внутренние болезни. Вот так выглядит обложка:
Редактором является Ячек Вольф, контактные данные - msoltysiak@viamedica.pl, viamedica@viamedica.pl.
Это рецензируемый журнал открытого доступа, охватывающий широкий спектр тем в области гипертонии и направленным на продвижение знаний и науки в данной постоянно развивающейся области. Журнал является официальным ежеквартальным изданием Польского общества гипертонии и публикует обзорные статьи, оригинальные клинические и экспериментальные исследования в области артериальной гипертензии, отчеты о случаях, письма и редакционные комментарии. С 2015 года материалы публикуются преимущественно на полнотекстовом английском языке.
Адрес издания - https://journals.viamedica.pl/arterial_hypertension/index
Пример статьи, название - Serum uric acid level independently predicted metabolic syndrome in non-diabetic hypertensive patients. Заголовок (Abstract)
Background: Arterial hypertension may accompany metabolic syndrome (MetS) which is strongly associated with cardiovascular diseases. Determining high-risk groups concerning MetS development is crucial to prevent this undesirable clinic. Serum uric acid level was demonstrated to be associated with development of hypertension and MetS in normal population. It was aimed to investigate the role of serum uric acid for the prediction of MetS in non-diabetic hypertensive individuals.
Material and methods: Patients who were diagnosed with arterial hypertension between January 2021 and June 2021 were included in the study. Diabetes mellitus was determined as an exclusion criteria. Metabolic syndrome was considered as the clustering of high blood pressure, elevated glucose level, abnormal cholesterol levels, and abdominal obesity conditions according to the National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) definition. Patients were divided into two groups by the presence of MetS.
Results:The mean age of 107 non-diabetic hypertensive patients was 48.5 ± 8.6 years and 50 (46.7%) of them were female. A total of 56 patients (52%) had MetS. Waist circumference (101.2 ± 11.3 vs. 106.7 ± 10.1 cm, p = 0.020), body mass index (30.6 ± 4.9 vs. 32.8 ± 4.1, p = 0.016), E/e’ ratio [9.2 (7.3–11.1) vs. 10.6 (9.1–13.4), p = 0.003], EAT [5.9 (4.8–8) vs. 7.9 (6–9.6), p = 0.006], and serum uric acid level (4.75 ± 1.10 vs. 5.82 ± 1.21 mg/dL, p < 0.001) were higher in MetS (+) group. Multivariable regression demonstrated that serum uric acid [(odds ratio) OR = 2.217, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.300–3.783, p = 0.003] and body mass index (OR = 1.214, 95% CI: 1.032–1.428, p = 0.019) were independent predictors of MetS presence.
Conclusion: Serum uric acid level predicted MetS presence in non-diabetic hypertensive individuals independently. This practical blood parameter can be used to evaluate those who are at risk of MetS development.
Keywords: arterial hypertension; serum uric acid; metabolic syndrome; inflammation; insulin resistance