Octopush is one of the most unusual sport in the world. This is a hockey but you play it underwater. In this unusual sport you have to score the goal in the pool using a stick. In the octopush there are usually 2 teams but in the competitions there are above 4 teams.
Octopush started playing in England in 1954. Alan Blake is a creator of the octopush sport and the owner of his Sub-Aqua courort saw that his visitors of his club didn't enjoy hockey because it was a summer day. He thought that hockey should be played underwater because it was very fresh for the visitors of his courort.
In the octopush there are 2 teams. From the countdown (3..2...1...) everybody dive in the pool with the snorkeling masks and the sticks. There are 2 goal lines underwater. You must use only sticks to grab the puck and score with that stick the goal. Which team score 5 goals then they will win the game.
Women and men can play this sport. For example there are 2 teams: the first team is a men's team and the second team is a women's team. There are octopush competitions where only women play.
In the octopush there aren't any famous players but in 2013 there was an octopush championship in Hungary. The australian team was playing against the britain team.
If you want to play an octopush you should buy this equipment:
First thing you need to buy is snorkeling mask.
The second thing you need to buy is swimming costume.
And the last two things you need to buy are the flippers and the octopush sticks.
Thank you for reading my blog and don't forget to leave a like. Here's a last video about the octopush on the end of the post:
Д/З по английскому LSC 3-4 A2 Junior B LarAn 20.12.2022 (Unusual sport project)