Happy New Year-2023, Earthlings! May He bring Happiness, Joy and Prosperity to all of Us in every Home, in every family! May the Strife on our Blue Planet subside and Peace and Friendship between All the Peoples inhabiting It reign on It, our Cradle and Nurse! Let Love for each other and mutual respect fill our hearts ! Stop professing "anti-Christianity", who consider themselves Christians, if you really are followers of Jesus Christ!
It's time-it's time! - to move from bellicose rhetoric to Reasonable conversation to all interested parties on Planet Earth ! Otherwise, the situation in the World, and not only in Ukraine, can unpredictably escalate into a Large, and then into a Thermonuclear war to destroy All Mankind!
That's WHAT WE NEED to THINK about now, and not about Who is right or Who is to blame for the protracted military conflict in Ukraine, which could become the detonator of a "Big Thermonuclear War"! Come to your senses today , Governments of Countries and Millions of Earthlings ! Tomorrow may be too late !And these issues should be solved by PEACEFUL PEOPLE, not specialists, with a twisted psyche, for the mass destruction of innocent "ordinary people! And Ukraine is unlikely to be "liberated" from the Nazi infection by force, it was too firmly "seized" by the United States and The "collective West", who are unlikely to "give" Her, unhappy, to Russia.
And will the PEOPLE of UKRAINE want such a "liberation" NOW?! Some people should have thought harder about this under the President of Ukraine V. Yanukovych, who "fought" between the West and Russia! And now, the "potential of hatred" for the "Russian world" accumulated by the People of Ukraine is unlikely to allow the new Bogdan Khmelnitsky to implement a new "Pereyaslav Rada", which Reunited Ukraine with Russia in 1654! Although I would like that ! Let's hope that this will be possible in the distant future!
Nevertheless, the protracted "small war", which brings sacrifices to both the Ukrainian and Russian peoples, IT's TIME to MAKE PEACE, if not to stop altogether! We bow our heads to our valiant soldiers fighting for the liberation of Ukraine from the "Nazi domination". But it is unlikely that only force can solve this inherently ideological problem?! Ideological means and methods are needed !!! It is necessary to be able to convince and persuade , which , of course, is more difficult, but much more effective if you take it right !
And it is necessary to build "bridges of mutual understanding and trust" with all other countries, and start talking to them in the "Language of Friendship", and not from a "position of strength", hatred and ultimatums! THE BENEFITS FOR ALL EARTHLINGS WILL BE INCOMPARABLY GREATER ! And for Russians, and for Ukrainians, and for other nations, and for World Peace! All The Best To All Of Us ! Happy New Year, Earthlings! May He bring Peace and Prosperity to All the Peoples of the World ! /// A Reasonable Earthman.