Christmas Holidays come to BabyRiki! In this episode, they draw Christmas decorations and then decorate the tree.
- Hello, children. What are you going to do today?
- Let’s draw!
- Great idea! Okay, let’s draw.
- Oh, look! It’s a Christmas tree. But it isn’t very colourful. What colour should it be?
В карусели несколько картинок. Вначале, покажите ребёнку нераскрашенную картинку. Попросите его ответить на вопрос, про цвет. А затем уже рассматривайте другие картинки. Проделывайте ту же работу и с другими картинками и вопросами.
- Green.
- That’s right. Trees are green. How else could we describe a tree?
- Sparkling, bushy.
- This is a beautiful Christmas tree. Though I think there is something missing. Don’t you children?
- Decorations.
- That’s right. What colour are your decorations?
It's for you to guess.
- Red.
- Some bells would look nice. What colour is your bell?
It's for you to guess.
- Blue.
- And we need a star on top. What colour is your star.
It's for you to guess.
- Yellow.
- To finish our tree we need fairy lights that come in many colours.
- Blue, red, yellow, green!
- Don’t they look beautiful, children, twinkling on our Christmas tree.
- Look, we have a visitor. A snowman. What colour is the snowman?
It's for you to guess.
- White.
- And his nose?
- Red.
- And his scarf, hat and gloves.
- Blue.
- What a wonderful snowman!
- Hooray!
- Merry Christmas, children!
- Merry Christmas!
Мелодия очень catchy) Сама смогла спеть после первого же прослушивания. Так что, дерзайте!) Смотрите мультфильм (ссылка на серию в конце статьи) и подпевайте.
Snow is falling and it’s sparkling.
Christmas time is here.
Everybody loves it so!
Time to share some Christmas greetings.
Peace and love shared too.
Merry Christmas, everyone!
More it snows, more it glows.
Christmas helps us grow.
More it snows, more it glows.
Christmas helps us grow.
Decorations, celebrations,
Happy times are here.
It’s a special time of year.
Presents, bows and ribbons
Do this magic in the year.
Smiles and hugs are everywhere.
More it snows, more it glows.
Christmas helps us grow.
More it snows, more it glows.
Christmas helps us grow.
Про цвета есть у нас с Соней замечательный видеоурок.
А вот и сам мультфильм с Малышариками на английском.