Предлагаем вашему вниманию новую шпаргалку, которая посвящена жалобам. Жалобы пишутся по разным причинам, например:
· получен не тот товар
· плохое обслуживание
· неудовлетворительное качество товара
· доставка с опозданием
В начале письма опишем причины жалобы:
- I am writing to complain about ...
- I am writing with reference to order No... which we received yesterday.
- On opening the parcel I found that it contained completely different articles from those ordered.
- We are very sorry to inform you that your last delivery is not up to your usual standard.
- We regret to inform you that we have not yet received all the containers ...
- It is with great regret that we have to inform you that the material delivered under the contract No ... does not conform to the specification on the basis of which the contract was signed.
- This is to complain about the late delivery of the order ...
- We regret to report that one of the cases of your consignment was badly damaged.
Можно также описать неудобства, которые данная проблема вызвала:
- The delay is causing inconvenience.
- Since the goods did not reach us until 14th September we have been hard pressed to meet the commitments to our own customers.
- A recurrence of this situation could result in our customers placing orders elsewhere and this is the risk we are unwilling to take.
- Due to the delay, we are not in a position to fulfill our obligations to our own clients in time.
- As a result of this situation, we sustain heavy losses because we cannot fulfill our contractual obligations to our clients.
- This is the second time this mistake has occurred and we are far from satisfied with the service you offer.
Спросите, что собирается предпринять партнёр в сложившейся ситуации, или сами предложите возможный путь решения проблемы.
- We would be grateful if you could supply a replacement unit as soon as possible.
- We must ask you to look into the matter and arrange for the missing goods to be sent at once.
- I hope you can arrange for the immediate repair...
- Please let us know what you can do to help us in getting over this difficulty.
- This is unacceptable and I expect an immediate refund.
- Do you have any alternative suggestion to put forward to settle the matter?
- We are sure you will give the matter your immediate attention.
- Please ensure that this sort of problem does not arise again.
Надеемся, наши шпаргалки будут вам полезны в ведении деловой переписки. Будем рады лайкам и комментариям!