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Vlad 575

Ideas for Saiko no Sutoka: Halloween Edition (game)

Hello! I want to share some thoughts on the Halloween version of the horror anime Saiko no Sutoka! First, about the new modes (this is a separate game, although you can say that these are sub-modes, hehe):

1) Easy; 2) Normal; 3) Hard - already there, but what if we add more?

4) Extreme - Yangire Elissu runs and sets traps covered with leaves. Attacks if you are very close to her. If you had meat in your hands when you fell into the trap, then she will grab it and run away, reducing your chance of passing the game, lol. Bonus: anyone can fall into the traps.

5) Zombieland - Yui, Saiko, Elissu, Shinji are zombies. Their target is you. The map has blocked areas that will have to be cleared of debris in order to pass. Behind one of the blocked areas, traps may be waiting. Bonus: anyone can fall into the traps. In this mode, Saiko and Elissu can throw knives. In the end, you will find the exit and the key for it, which lies... somewhere on the ground until Yui picked it up. Saiko's hunger is equivalent to Hard mode. And by the way, the game starts with a cutscene where Akira regains consciousness while being dragged by the foot into the woods, so the exit is in an unknown direction. Shinji: Headless, but his head, lying alone, hears better than the others, so he can control his body and come to you. You can find his head in a random place and you can get his attention as soon as you grab his head. By returning Shinji's head, you will reduce his aggression towards you and he will help you find the key, because "I saw the key somewhere while the head was rolling into the bushes, lol." Mini game with Shinji: Hot and cold - will help you figure out where the key is hidden.
Bonus x2: Yangire can climb trees and hide there. Don't look up so she doesn't attack you.


Now let's set aside time for new achievements:

1. Saiko Sees You! - Find at least 1 eye for Saiko and give it to her.

2. Paired Eyes - Assemble eyes of the same color for Saiko.

3. True Gaze - Gather red colored eyes for Saiko.

Achievement 4
Achievement 4

4. Pirate - Finish with a good ending leaving Saiko with one eye.

5. Automatic Assembly - After giving Saiko the ability to see, do not bring any more body parts to her, she will assemble herself. To get it, complete the good ending. She just won't be able to attach her foot, but that's not required.

Achievement 6
Achievement 6

6. Easy Escape - Complete easy mode with a good ending.

Achievement 7
Achievement 7

7. Normal Escape - Complete normal mode with a good ending.

Achievement 8
Achievement 8

8. Hard Escape - Complete hard mode with a good ending.

Achievement 9
Achievement 9

9. Saiko No Damage! - Finish with a good ending in such a way that Saiko never gets hurt at the hands of Yui.

10. Clean Work! - Make your way out of the forest unscathed by playing on normal difficulty.

11. Survival Specialist - Escape the forest unscathed on Hard difficulty.

Achievement 12
Achievement 12

12. The perfect defender! - Escape the forest unscathed and protect Saiko from being hit by Yui's scissors.

13. Halloween Marathon - Complete 3 modes in a row without dying or restarting in between.

14. Special Guest - Activate Yui within 10 seconds of starting on easy mode.


15. Holding hands - Hold hands with Saiko a total of 5 times.


16. Cool Head! - Pick up Saiko's fallen head and help put it back in place 3 times in total.

17. Trophy - Pick up Saiko's fallen head and don't get rid of it for 3 minutes in a row, being careful of Saiko's body that comes after you.

??? 18. Total Ignore - Put Saiko's heart back in place and end on a good ending without helping her the whole game.

19. The Territory is Cleared! - Help Saiko find and eat all the pieces of meat in the forest in one playthrough.


20. Hunger Strike - Leave the forest when Saiko is ready to eat you out of hunger.

21. Happy Halloween! - Complete the game with a good ending 10 times, playing on any difficulty all the time.

Achievement 22
Achievement 22

22. Yui Missed :( - Yui hits Akira but misses 5 times in one walkthrough.

23. You are eaten!! - Saiko eats you out of hunger and you die!

24. Hungry Head - Grab Saiko's head and wait until she becomes very hungry and wants to eat you.

25. Yui Dominates! - When you managed to steal the key from Yui, she must steal it back 3 times in one game.

26. Another One - Yui kills Saiko at least 10 times in one playthrough.

27. Halloween Speedster - Complete every difficulty in the game in less than 5 minutes.

28. Easy Halloween - Escape the forest in less than 3 minutes on easy difficulty.

??? 29. Deal With It! - Leave the forest undamaged while protecting Saiko from Yui's scissors and finish in less than 5 minutes on Hard difficulty.

30. Sporty Akira - never run out of stamina in one playthrough. To get it, complete normal or hard mode on the good ending.

31. Lucky Night - Use Akira's stamina 5 times or more, then leave the forest. On any difficulty.

32. Mad! - Don't take damage for the entire playthrough and reach the good ending by playing on every difficulty.

??? 33. Key Only - On Hard mode, steal the key from Yui without feeding Saiko once.


34. Bitten Akira - Survive 4 attacks by Saiko in Hard Mode and fight her off.

35. Almost Like a Zombie - Survive the attacks and fight back 6 times in Hard mode from the hungry Saiko!

36. Hello there! - Yui does an instant kill on Akira at 100 HP.

  • Verified Achievements: 1, 4, 6, 7, 9, 12, 36 - ZeroZepoX
  • Verified Achievements: 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 14, 15, 23, 30, 34, 35 - Vlad 575