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Speaking Part EGE-based.(Project -PASTIME).

You will speak for not more than 3 minutes (12-15 sentences)

A Sample Answer

Hi Jane,
I couldn’t get through to you, so I’m sending you my voice message.
I’ve got good news for you. I’ve found two photographs to illustrate our school project “Pastime”. Let me describe them briefly. They show different types of leisure time, therefore perfectly pinpoint the idea of the project. Photo 1 shows a man on a bench in a city park. He is using his mobile at his spare time. In photo 2 a young man is reading a book at his free time, outside.

On the one hand, there are obvious advantages in spending these sorts of activities. For example, using a mobile in your free time means not missing out any opportunity of being abreast with news, or being in touch with relatives and friends. Reading books benefits too. It’s one of the worthwhile occupations in the world. It makes you well-rounded.

However, disadvantages can be found about these kinds of spending leisure time. For instance, engrossing yourself in motionless activities like reading books or gluing to the screen of your phone can lead to certain vertebral disorders or even losing the vision.
As for me, I most certainly prefer outdoors activities in my spare time. I’m keen on cycling, jogging or playing basketball with my school mates. Sports activities improve my blood circulation, immune system and make me resilient to bad colds.

So, Jane, that’s what I wanted to tell you about the subject-pictures to illustrate our project. I’m looking forward to listening to your opinion on my choice for theses illustrations.

Call me back as soon as possible.

By Erene I.

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Erene I