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What is a hook and what we need to make it?


As an immersion into the world of crocheting, we will analyze the types of hooks, the main materials from which yarn is made, how to choose a hook in accordance with the threads, and also consider the basic techniques used in crocheting.

In the first article, we will analyze what materials are used to make knitting hooks, consider their advantages and disadvantages.

1. Made of plastic

Illustration of plastic crocheting hooks
Illustration of plastic crocheting hooks

Description: Hooks of this type belong to the most budget, differ in a wide choice of shapes, sizes and shades. They are mainly used for knitting from thin threads.
Pros: Of the pros, you can note the low weight of the object, they are quite compact, and also lie comfortably in your hand.
Cons: The hook can deform, bend and even break during crocheting. In most cases, a plastic device electrifies the thread (but it can solved with an antistatic agent).

2. Made of wood

Illustration of wood crocheting hooks
Illustration of wood crocheting hooks

Description: The main representative of this hooks is the bamboo version. They differ in naturalness and pleasant sensations.
Pros: Low price and environmental friendliness of the material
Cons: Relatively short-lived, often poorly executed, which may cause roughness and notches that cling to the thread

3. Made of aluminium

Illustration of aluminium crocheting hooks
Illustration of aluminium crocheting hooks

Description: Relatively inexpensive, with an eye-pleasing shine. Quite popular among novice knitters.
Pros: They have a lighter weight than the previous hooks in the theme, they slide well along the threads.
Cons: Thin products can be deformed. Also, aluminum hooks can oxidize over time, which leads to distortion of the color of the product.

4. Made of steel

Illustration of steel crocheting hooks
Illustration of steel crocheting hooks

Description: Quite strong and durable option. It is common among experienced craftswomen.
Pros: They are not susceptible to rust formation, variable in size and cost.
Cons: Not always a comfortable head; with long use, it can rub the palms.

5. Made of bones

Illustration of bone crocheting hooks
Illustration of bone crocheting hooks

Description: These hooks are quite strong and durable with proper handling.
Pros: The product has a small size and weight, does not electrify the thread and it's often decorated with carvings.
Cons: It can be noted that the cost of bone hooks is quite high, since most of them are made by hand.

6. Combined

Illustration of combined crocheting hooks
Illustration of combined crocheting hooks

Description: Consist of a working part (often made of aluminum or steel) and a convenient handle (plastic or rubberized).
Pros: A comfortable handle prevents the appearance of calluses. Also, an ergonomic handle (curved) is often found, for more comfortable holding.
Cons: For low-quality manufacturers, the working part may fall off from the handle, but this doesn't happen often.

So which hook to choose? The answer is simple: the one that will be convenient exactly for you. However, you also need to take into account what yarn and technique you will use. And we will talk about what kind of yarn happens and how to choose the right hook for it in the following articles.

See you around!