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Alexander Pupsikow

Advertising features we usually do not care about

Every day we face lots of advertisments: while watching TV, surfing the Net, going to work or study. Approximately 400 of them without even noticing the information they are full of. There are different types of advertising, varying depending on techniques used in them and I will show you which are successfull on the example of Nike.

Let's take "Nike Football — “Write the Future” - 2010" as the first one to analyze:

First of all, we may see a collaboration with many different famous people, such as soccer players Cristiano Ronaldo, Ronaldinho (they are not the same person), Wayne Rooney and even Homer Simpson. This technique is extremely effective. I remember that when I was a little boy playing football with friends, all of us wanted to look like a talented football player, so we all copied Ronaldo's body language and we would probably spend all the money on brand new Nike boots if we had an opportunity.

Another thing shown in this advert is how footballers feel. The first aim of advertising is to affect our emotions, make us remember the advert. And there we have it: feeling of a close victory in every moment is inseparable from game-changing moments which are so shocking that we may not realise that happened.

There's the second example:

Advertising agency Wieden+Kennedy used consumers' indecisiveness to promote the product. We all know that it is quite unusual for someone to be very decisive and cheerful, and this advert asks people to be better than they are. This way you may think that there is something wrong with you, because you were not going to change.

Everything mentoined in this advert is shown by "perfect people" who try to do their best all the time and, of course, wear Nike clothes. The point of this is to make us associate Nike products with true perfection. This way, if we had many options while choosing what to buy, we would probably buy Nike.

I hope, my examples have shown you which advertising campaign is successful and why.