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Margarita has always been (and thank God still is) a very active woman and really wanted her children to get a good education. As the saying goes, if you want to do something well, do it yourself. She had got a good musical and pedagogical education and understood that in order your children to get a good at least secondary musical education, you need to teach them yourself. And Margarita has three wonderful children – a boy and two twin girls. In addition, there were always many people around her who also knew that Margarita would do it very well. Therefore, it was relatively easy for her to find money to open a music school with this money.

Quite soon the school became successful and the children's school jazz ensemble began to travel on tour with concerts even abroad. Everything was good. But there was another side of the coin: intensive rehearsals, responsibility for herself, for work and – more important – for children, air travels, long train & bus rides, banquets after concerts and competitions took a lot of physical and mental strength. All this – irregular working hours (#irregularworkinghours), eating on the run or late meals, lack of sleep (#insomnia) – ultimately led to the fact that Margarita was found to have a #benigntumor at the next examination by a female doctor. The doctor, unbelieving, even ordered a second examination, which only confirmed the previous diagnosis – a #myoma of 13 weeks in size.

myoma, ultrasound picture
myoma, ultrasound picture

Margarita noticed changes by herself – a bump in her side bulged out and when falling asleep it was very difficult to choose a position in order to fall asleep easily – without nagging and pressing pains. At the same time, she was still a young woman, wanted to feel at least her own age and didn't want to have surgery that would make a fatal impact to the female body (#avoidsurgery). By that time, Margarita had already realized that something had to be done with the immune system – the body could not cope. Fortunately, the children had already received their education and had grown up – there was an opportunity to think about herself.

Once our now common friend and colleague Andrey told her that in the modern world it was impossible to do without supplementing nutrition with substances that modern food is poor in. To say it short, #vitamins, micro and #macroelements, #minerals have become vital. After thinking for a whole minute and a half :-), Margarita agreed with Andrey's arguments and decided to start enriching food with vitamins due to his recommendations.


At first she just felt a surge of strength, and at night she began to sleep more calmly. But it was just a beginning…

Six years have passed. Margarita had no traces of tumor at all. Together with it, insomnia and #gastritis, which she did not even consider a problem, also left. She decided to go to the doctor who had examined and diagnosed her six years earlier. The doctor was surprised again. She even said that since Margarita did not come to her for so long, she even decided that Margarita was already not alive. Everyone knows that without proper attention, benign neoplasms very often degenerate into malignant ones, and then it is very difficult to predict where the fate will lead with a new diagnosis.


Now Margarita continues to be a successful businesswoman who always has a lot of energy and ideas. And in family terms, she is already a happy grandmother of many grandchildren. She has already forgotten to think not only about the previous dangerous diagnoses – she even gets sick with colds rarely now. Now her grateful #immunity copes with all problems by itself.


The names of the actors have been changed. Matches are random. Only the events described are real.

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