Начинаем подготовку к Хэллоуину. Софья с нетерпением ждёт дня Х, чтобы поиграть на английском и повеселиться со своими сестричками и братиком. Это её первый день страшилок на английском. И я уже продумываю интересный сценарий.
Ну а пока, будем постепенно готовиться. Смотреть мультфильмы и читать истории про Хэллоуин на английском. Знакомиться с традициями, символами этого дня и запоминать новые слова и фразы.
И начнём мы с наших любимых друзей: грузовичков Лёвы и Леи и их Хеллоуинской истории. Почитаем на английском, а затем посмотрим мультфильм.
Leo the Truck and excavator Scoop are getting ready to celebrate Halloween. Leia doesn’t know where they’re up to. “Hi there! Where are you off to?”
Scoop shows a spider to Leia and frightens her. “Scaredy-cat!”
Leo: “It’s not real, you know.”
It’s for decorating the ghost train at the Fun Fair.
The cars are taking pumpkins to the Fair too.
Leo: “See you, Leia.”
Scoop: “We’ve got a job to do.”
They’re doing something important. They’re building their own ghost train. The robots are here already.
The crane is lifting up the heavy panels. And the robots are working hard. And Scoop, and Leo.
They need to put the pumpkins out in front of the entrance.
They’re sticking a bat on the wall. They’re putting up a spider’s web.
The red robot has a pumpkin head. And he looks scary. Don’t be afraid, little robot.
Above the gates they’re hanging a picture of a spider, a ghost and a pumpkin.
Lifty is here. “Hello!”
Lifty is going into the ghost train. He wants to know what’s inside.
I wonder if Lifty would be scared. It’s dark inside and Lifty can see nothing. “That’s not scary.”
What did you see inside? “I can’t see anything.”
Leo, you need to hang up some lanterns in the ghost train. Otherwise, it will be too dark for anyone to see anything.
Leo, Lifty and Scoop have gone to the scrap heap to look for lanterns.
But what’s Leia doing?
Scoop: “Are you painting?”
Leo: “Is it okay if we look for some lanterns?”
Lifty: “Is that a mask?”
Leia is painting herself a costume.
Scoop has found some lamps. Well done, Scoop! Leo has found three lamps too.
Lifty has found a whole box full. That’s certainly enough to light the ghost train.
The robots are getting impatient. They can’t wait to go inside. Quickly, Leo, take the lamps in. Switch them on.
It's not scary. These lamps are too bright. Let’s try some other ones.
Switch them on. The robot is pushing the button and switches them on. It's too dark.
They’re trying some other lamps. It worked.
It’s gotten dark outside. The lanterns have come on and the pumpkins are all lit up. Everyone is going inside the ghost train.
I wonder if they’re scared. What do they see? Skeletons, ghosts, bats, spiders and lit pumpkins.
It sounds like they got a fright.
Scoop: “I’m not scared of anything.”
“Boo!” Leia suddenly comes. Scoop is afraid.
Leia, what an amazing costume!
Leia: “Were you scared? I’ve got some sweets. Help yourselves!”
Читайте и изучайте английский с удовольствием!
А мы с Софьей готовим для вас другие истории, песни, тематические словарики, игры и забавы на Хэллоуин.
Stay tuned and keep in touch!
See you)
А теперь, время мультфильма.