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Julia English

ЕГЭ по английскому языку. Задания из ФИПИ. Listening. Task 1. ASMR

  1. ASMR music is a nice stress reliever.
  2. ASMR videos are not bad and can be relaxing.
  3. ASMR can help people to earn good money.
  4. It’s hard to understand why ASMR is so popular now.
  5. There is nothing good and nothing bad in ASMR.
  6. ASMR music or videos improve your academic results.
  7. ASMR music is as good as any other form of art.

Listen to the audio

Audio script.

Speaker A. As far as I understand it, ASMR or autonomous sensory meridian response is a pleasant sensation which you feel while hearing certain sounds or performing certain actions. Internet and social networks are full of bloggers posting ASMR videos with people cutting soap bars or crunching crisps, for example. In my opinion, there is nothing bad in these videos and if they help some people relax and feel good, they have every right to exist on the Internet.

Speaker B. In my opinion, ASMR videos are some of the most stupid things one can find on the internet. Usually watching such videos is simply a waste of time. Personally, I have never experienced any pleasant emotions while watching people cutting soap bars. I also think it is a waste of money and resources because you cannot use this bar of soap after you have cut them for such videos. Why do so many people watch them? It's a mystery for me.

Speaker C. As for me, I don't watch ASMR videos, but I do listen to ASMR music, which is called Binaural recordings. I prefer music to videos because I don't have enough time to watch them, but I can always turn on some ASMR music while doing my homework or washing up. I also listen to it before going to sleep. I can't say it's particularly relaxing, but at least it's not stressful. ASMR music is good as background music and it helps me to do things without stress.

Speaker D. If you ask me, I think ASMR has really turned into a form of contemporary art. There are serious composers making ASMR music and there are festivals of ASMR music already. People read books or look at paintings for the same reason that they watch or listen to ASMR. It helps them to forget about their daily routines and problems and that's the basic purpose of art tastes are different and ASMR is no worse than literature or opera.

Speaker E. As far as I know, making ASMR videos and music is already a commercial activity. I know that bloggers who make ASMR videos earn a lot of money and ASMR composers can receive very high fees for making soundtracks for films and music for advertisements. You probably don't know it, but some of the recent blockbuster movies owe its huge commercial success to ASMR music soundtracks. So ASMR blogging can be a good career and I'm thinking about it.

Speaker F. You may consider ASMR videos stupid, but in fact scientists have found that watching or listening to ASMR can increase your intellectual abilities. ASMR videos or music can develop people's creativity and improve their neuron connections. I also know that listening to ASMR music improves people's mood and helps to fight depression. That's why doctors switch on ASMR music in hospitals. Maybe I should start listening to ASMR to get better school marks.

Answer: 245736

Изображение от <a href="https://ru.freepik.com/free-photo/asmr_23668617.htm#query=asmr&position=5&from_view=search&track=sph">Freepik</a>
Изображение от <a href="https://ru.freepik.com/free-photo/asmr_23668617.htm#query=asmr&position=5&from_view=search&track=sph">Freepik</a>

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