Social media – социальные сети.
Social media is where people compete at being successful.
Keep in touch with – поддерживать связь с…
Keep in touch with your friends via social media.
Profile – профиль.
Your profile is your personal community page.
Profile photo /picture/pic – фотография профиля
Don’t take my profile picture too seriously.
Avatar - аватар
I really like your avatar.
Cover photo – фото обложки.
You can personalize your profile page by using a cover photo that complements your personal style.
Take a selfie – делать селфи.
If you don't mind, take a selfie with me.
Flattering photo – льстящие фотография (часто изображающие человека в более выгодном свете, чем он есть на самом деле).
I had the profile photo that was very flattering.
The best version of - лучшая версия кого либо/чего-либо.
Here I’m the best version of myself.
Superficial – поверхностный.
But that is only the first, superficial impression.
Easy to spot – легко заметить.
She's easy to spot - she's got pink hair.
To come across – показаться
I wanted to come across as very confident .
Narcissist – нарцисс, самовлюбленный человек.
The narcissist cannot and will not change.
Lively – веселый энергичный
He is a very lively person despite his forty years.
Extraverted – экстраверт, человек, предпочитающий общение и общество других людей.
This person is extraverted, conscientious, and agreeable.
Introverted – интроверт, замкнутый человек.
In fact, you're a truly introverted person.
Solitary – одинокий, уединенный.
Deep down I was a very solitary person, but on social media I was completely another one.
Enigmatic – загадочный.
Despite all this, he remains enigmatic personality.
Light-hearted – беззаботный
It means you're a person who's light-hearted and carefree.
Shy - застенчивый.
I was very shy about using the social media at first.
To have a tendency to /be inclined to do something – быть склонным.
He seems to have a tendency /be inclined to shoot first and aim later.
In response to – в связи с
I usually change my profile pic in response to a particular piece of news.
Escapism –бегство от реальности.
In fact, it's escapism.
Liberating- раскрепощающий
She describes this social media as "liberating".
Neglect real world obligations – пренебрегать реальными обязанностями.
Computer gamers are often neglect their real world obligations.
Take over – захватывать, поглащать.
Computer games take over a lot of time of the young people.