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Let’s find out what your birth card is.

The standard tarot deck consists of 78 cards divided into two sections, the major and minor arcanas. The word arcana is the plural of arcanum, which means “profound secret.” The tarot cards are therefore a collection of the “secrets” that explain our universe.

The 22 cards of the major arcana are the heart of the deck. Each of these cards symbolises some universal aspect of human experience.

Each card in the major arcana has a name and a number. Numerology will help you find out what your birth card is and it’s up to you to decide whether it holds a “profound secret” about you or not a very profound one. All you have to do is to add all the digits of your date of birth together and have a look at the number. Any number higher than 22 must be reduced further by taking away 22. Then go to the list below and voila! After you’ve got you card name don’t hesitate to explore it (How? Just google it ffs!)

E.g. I was born 12 March 1989, so 1+2+0+3+1+9+8+9=33, 33-22=11, 11 is the number I need from the list below.


0 (22) The Fool

1 The Magician

2 The High Priestess (in some decks The Popess, простите, с этого я очень смеюсь, типа попыня что ли?!)

3 The Empress

4 The Emperor

5 The Hierophant (in some decks The Pope, ну тут не оч смешно)

6 The Lovers

7 The Chariot

8 Strength (in some decks like mine this card is called Fortitude, also in my deck 8 and 11 are swapped, so I have Justice here)

9 The Hermit

10 The Wheel of Fortune

11 Justice (I have Fortitude here)

12 The Hanged Man

13 Death (or The Reaper)

14 Temperance

15 The Devil

16 The Tower (or The Blasted Tower)

17 The Star

18 The Moon

19 The Sun

20 Judgement (or The Last Judgement)

21 The World (or The Universe)

If you got something creepy like Death or The Last Judgement, make sure to google it properly, usually the creepiest cards keep the most beautiful secrets!

So please don't fear the Reaper!

Не могу решить, я джастис или всё-таки фортитьюд. А у вас чо?