Once upon a time, there was a small town near a forest. In this town lived a kind and brave man named Jack. Jack was loved by everyone in the town because he always helped people in need.
One day, while Jack was walking in the forest, he heard a voice crying for help. He followed the voice and found a little rabbit stuck in a trap. Jack carefully freed the rabbit and took it to his home to nurse it back to health.
Days went by and the rabbit became Jack's best friend. They did everything together and had so much fun. But one day, the rabbit said that it had to return to its family in the forest. Jack was sad to see his friend go, but he understood and helped the rabbit return to its family.
The next day, when Jack went into the forest to gather firewood, he was surprised to see that all the animals in the forest had come to thank him for his kindness to their friend, the rabbit. They told Jack that he was the bravest and kindest person they had ever met, and as a reward, they gave him a magical acorn that would grant him one wish.
Jack wished for happiness for everyone in the town and the animals of the forest. From that day on, Jack and the animals of the forest were the best of friends and they lived happily ever after.
The end.