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Time to get confident!

if we really become comfortable with ourselves , if we really work on ourselves , if we become self-aware about our pros and cons we can become a person that is attractive to ourselves and other people will be attracted to that. When you look at yourself and think: "I literally think that I am an amazing human being". So other people will feel the same!!

Focus on what you can control.

Your self-talk , words how you talk about yourself, how you talk about other people your attitude towards life. Don't think that you're the victim. If you have problems concentrate on the solutions. Don't look at things that will make you insecure and make you compare yourself. Look at things that can educate you, where you can learn new skills, talk to people who lift you up and make you feel more positive. Pay attention on the food you eat, what you put on inside of your body, because if you constantly eat fast food it will make you feel
sluggish and bad about yourself.

What about your boundaries? How firm are you on them? How do you allow people to treat you ? Are you serious about them? Think about it
What about your boundaries? How firm are you on them? How do you allow people to treat you ? Are you serious about them? Think about it

Don't focus on things you cannot control. It's about your past. Your past doesn't exist. It can be only on your mind. Talking about your future, don't control your future. We do not know what is going to happen, we can try our best to make it the best possible outcome. But actually we don't know what's going to happen.

Other people's beliefs? Other people's opinions? Who cares literally? It's all about you. You are the main character of your life. So start acting like it. You can't control people beliefs, what the' re thinking.What other people think about you It's really not of your business.

Confidence it's about knowing who you are. If you don't know who you are, you have to define yourself. Try to find out who can you be or not to be. Focus on who you are not and then you can find yourself. For example, you know that you're not uneducated person, that means thar you like to educate and learn new skills. So, take a paper and write down : Who am I not ? It'll help you to become more self-aware about yourself.

Go on Pinterest and look up: Shadow work questions.It is basically try to figure out who you are. You need to answer the questions and it'll help you to figure out and learn more about yourself. It'll provide to create some kind of connection with yourself.

Don't focus on things you cannot control! Focus on what you can control!
Don't focus on things you cannot control! Focus on what you can control!

Create routines. Sometimes we don't know what to do with the life. For example: university graduates. To make your life more structured you need to create new routines for yourself. For example, you can start your day with doing exercises, walking around, doing gratitude meditation and pray. Such kind of routines will provide you an organized day. Of course, sometimes when something happens you couldn't follow your rules and it's ok. We can't predict the future. But try hard to have a plan of the day.