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Marilyn Manson - KILL4ME


Привет! Как на счет выучить немного английских слов и выражений из песни Мэрилина Мэнсона? Вам нравиться этот артист? Пишите в комментариях.


  1. advisory - an official announcement that contains advice, information, or a warning
  2. explicit - showing or talking about sex or violence in a very detailed way:
  3. depiction - the way that something is represented or shown
  4. discretion - the ability to behave without causing embarrassment or attracting too much attention, especially by keeping information secret
  5. switchblade - a knife with a blade hidden inside its handle that springs out when a button is pressed
  6. pact - a formal agreement between two people or groups of people
  7. vacant - not filled or occupied; available to be used
  8. threat - a suggestion that something unpleasant or violent will happen, especially if a particular action or order is not followed
  9. enough - as much as or more than is wanted
  10. unless - used to say what will or will not happen if something else does not happen or is not true; except if
  11. betray - to not be loyal to your country or a person, often by doing something harmful such as helping their enemies
  12. shed - a small building, usually made of wood, used for storing things
  13. sacrifice - to give up something that is valuable to you in order to help another person
  14. cross - to annoy someone by not doing or saying what they want


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Marilyn Manson - KILL4ME

Клип Marilyn Manson - KILL4ME

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