August 19
6 years have passed since the last shock of the Maidan in Ukraine, with the beginning of the test of the "Russian world", namely the Russian because in history there has never been any Ukraine or Belarus, but Russia was the homeland of fraternal Slavic peoples!
Maidan beat a wedge in relations between Ukraine and Russia, the unity of cultures and economies. Maidan is an event whose puppeteers were the "democratic" West .....
.... History repeats itself or ..... Belarus is its own series of mistakes and not the foresight of the local authorities ?!
Not the usefulness of the young democracies of the post-Soviet republics results in revolutions ..... the rulers who came to power in the first years of independence strive in every way to strengthen the authoritarian power and enrich themselves, rarely does any of them put the welfare of the people above their own power!
There were several revolutions (Maidans) in Ukraine, all of which ended in the victory of an aggressive nationalist minority.
For many years Belarus lived under a cap of calm and stability. There was no collapse of the economy of the 90s as in Russia and politically it did not shake like Ukraine!
The people of Belarus, politically naive, believed their dad for a long time, dad used this faith to strengthen himself on the political throne. On the face of it, Lukashenko shunned supporting the actions of the Russian Federation in the international arena, he was only interested in economic donation from the Russian Federation!
But people's faith must be reinforced with positive changes in their lives, but the Belarusian leader was only concerned with maintaining power at any cost. The fatal mistake was not long in coming - the excessive brutality of suppressing the indignation of his own people exceeded the danger to the government from the people's rallies, that is, the authorities went too far. .. I guess he won't be in power for long ...
It took the opposition several months to remove the softer "sovereign" Yanukovych in Ukraine. The naive Yanukovych turned out to be deceived by everyone ... both by European guarantors and once tame Ukrainian nationalists.
Lukashenko, trying to prevent Ukrainian events in the country, showed excessive cruelty over the suppression of the "revolution" in the bud, his popularity in recent years was already questionable, and his last actions simply crossed out the rest of the trust of the masses.
The Belarusian president is still supported by the village and the provinces, but as we see from the Maidan in Ukraine, an active minority always rules!
Let us make assumptions about what awaits Belarus ?! The first option: Lukashenka’s peaceful departure (with flight to the Russian Federation). The coming to power of the pro-Western opposition will significantly change the vector of policy towards Russia, a more peaceful Ukrainian option without "who does not jump the Muscovite." The gradual rupture of strategic relations with the Russian Federation, rapprochement with Poland, Lithuania ..... re-Belarusianization of the population of the republic. The second option: Lukashenka fights for power to the end until the Orange Revolution degenerates into a civil war with a sad outcome for him!
Ideal (utopian) option: Belarus joining the Russian Federation as a republic (like Tatarstan and other republics within the Russian Federation). To create a positive image, Russia will pour billions of dollars into the renewal of the economy of Belarus, at first preserving the state status of the former state property of the republic. The population of the republic will receive gas, gasoline at Russian prices, payments for communal services will decrease, local business will temporarily get a more comfortable competitive environment in the all-Russian market. ... Such an option would have excluded shocks for the Belarusian people and natural reunification with the fraternal people. In political terms, for the Russian Federation, this would be the beginning of the reunification of the primordially Russian lands and the recreation of the prototype of the USSR!
Dear readers, how do you think this story should go?