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Лебедев Владимир

Hangars for sports №2

Equestrian tent Manege


When creating a project for an equestrian indoor arena, first of all you need to think about your horses! Traditionally, the arena is a rectangular or circular building that does not have internal partitions, designed for training horses, organizing training in riding skills, conducting equestrian sports. The specific dimensions of the arena are
determined based on the diameter of the horse's turn during the race — 10 — 11 meters. As a result, the standard width of the arena in one row should be at least 12 meters. If the indoor equestrian arena is supposed to be engaged in group riding, the width of the track should be at least fifteen meters. The ratio of Manege width to length in the construction of equestrian Manege is taken 1 to 2, i.e., for example, 20 to 40 m. However, this ratio can be equal to 1 to 4; as well as 1 to 3, i.e. the size of the indoor arena will be 20 by 60 or 20 by 80 meters. For competitive events, a 40-by-60-meter arena is required, and the Olympic standards for equestrian facilities in this plan are 60 by 80 meters.


The standard height of the arena in the skate can be from 4.5 to 11 meters. Such structures are most appropriate to build in combination with convenient stands of racetracks. Insulate the playpens with a double tent and heat guns, and can be insulated. The optimal room temperature should be maintained at 8-10°C. On the walls at a height of about 2 meters, a thick wooden covering made of oak boards is made. The width of the Manege gate should be 2.3 meters (they are two-floor and should open during the course of the horse).
construction of a covered frame-tent arena is the most far-sighted solution in comparison with capital construction, due to the fact that such pre-erected structures have a number of advantages:
— construction costs at least 3 times cheaper, will be carried out in the shortest possible time (literally a month), on a fairly light Foundation;
— operation of such an indoor arena will cost 2 times cheaper – you can save on lighting, as well as heating due to some translucency and quite low thermal conductivity inherent in the tent fabric;
— the length of service life of the structure is guaranteed by a metal frame, which is coated with an anti-corrosion coating; the tent cover is completely sealed, so leaks and corrosion of the metal frame are excluded;
— the frame-tent structure itself is
highly reliable and durable, since it is designed taking into account wind and snow loads.
I hope you now understand how difficult it is to build a structure for horses and a riding arena.

Hockey arena


How to build a hockey arena — ice rink for relatively little money. Many hockey players will tell you that the ice filled with their own forces on the yard box is not the one on which you would like to play that the puck would not jump on the surface of the court. What is the main difference between open ice and indoor ice? In the comfort. Maintaining a certain desired temperature in the room, people enjoy ice skating and playing hockey. So, a hockey arena is a skating rink


Tent hangars are not the first year used to shelter rinks. These areas are adapted for playing hockey, for mass skating, and of course for figure skating. Covered awning rinks are available with one awning and in two awning versions. Two-tent design is certainly more expensive, but if the inter-tent space is also insulated, then this ice can be used all year round.


We are building indoor hockey arenas,
ice stadiums and rinks. All our structures are prefabricated, frame-tent. We have good experience in the construction and insulation of such ice arenas.

So what are the advantages of such Hockey arenas? What are their main differences from capital structures?

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