STK Mitrich is a full-cycle construction company. Pre-fabricated structures are one of the areas of construction, the characteristic features of which are: not buried Foundation, relatively light weight, full factory readiness of all elements of the structure, bolted connection of parts of hangars, more than 5 cycles of Assembly and disassembly of the structure. STK Mitrich presents to your attention the LSTK technology ( Light Steel thin-Walled Structures). This is a quick and practical way to build an energy-efficient building with a sandwich panel as the roof and wall material.
Ease of installation, versatility in use,not a large construction cost, as well as high operational properties of such buildings, allows us to talk about the annual share growth ofLSTK technology in the overall pie of pre-fabricated structures. We will tell you everything, design and build it! STK Mitrich is your provider in innovative construction technologies! Contact us!
ПОДПИСЫВАЙТЕСЬ, Строительный канал с жизненным взглядом)
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