Ловите подборку 🌺Цветочных идиом🌺↩️
🌹have roses in your cheeks - пышешь здоровьем, кровь с молоком
❣Now she is much better. I saw her yesterday and she had roses in her cheeks.
🌹be as fresh as a daisy/rose - свежий как огурчик
❣After a good night's sleep I'll be as fresh as a rose.
🌹under the rose - по секрету, тайно
❣I can tell you under the rose.
🌹come up roses - всё складывается удачно
❣The holiday was great, everything came up roses.
🌹life is not roses - в жизни не одни только удовольствия
❣Being in a relationship is not all roses, you know.
Как переводится фраза in the flower of life?