Привет! Сегодня соберем 9 новых слов из песни Counting Stars группы OneRepublic. Знаете и любите такую группу? Напишите в комментариях.
1) lose - to no longer have something because you do not know where it is (терять)
2) dream - to desire something very much and hope that it happens (мечтать)
3) pray - to speak to a god either privately or in a religious ceremony in order to express love, admiration, or thanks or in order to ask for something (молиться)
4) count - to say numbers one after the other in order, or to calculate the number of people or things in a group ( считать )
5) swing - to move easily and without interruption backwards and forwards or from one side to the other, especially from a fixed point, or to cause something or someone to do this ( качать, качаться)
6) across - from one side to the other of something with clear limits, such as an area of land, a road, or a river ( через )
7) flash - to shine brightly and suddenly, or to make something shine in this way ( вспышка )
8) seek sb/sth out - to look for someone or something, especially for a long time until you find him, her, or it ( искать кого-либо )
9) bold - not frightened of danger ( смелый )
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