Привет! Сегодня еще 9 слов из песни Кэти Перри. Вы помните что значит Roar? Напишите в комментариях.
1) tiger - a large wild animal of the cat family with yellowish-orange fur with black lines that lives in parts of Asia ( тигр )
2) fighter - someone who fights in a battle or in a physical fight against an opponent ( боец )
3) champion - someone or something, especially a person or animal, that has beaten all other competitors in a competition ( чемпион )
4) hear - to receive or become conscious of a sound using your ears ( слышать )
5) lion - a large wild animal of the cat family with yellowish-brown fur that lives in Africa and southern Asia ( лев )
6) float - to stay on the surface of a liquid and not sink ( плавать )
7) butterfly - a type of insect with large, often brightly coloured wings ( бабочка )
8) sting - If an insect, plant, or animal stings, it produces a small but painful injury, usually with a poison, by brushing against the skin or making a very small hole in the skin ( жалить )
9) stripe - a strip of material that is sewn onto the arm or shoulder of a military uniform to show the rank of the person wearing it ( нашивка )
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Клип Katy Perry - Roar
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Katy Perry - Roar
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Завтра выучим новые слова из популярного хита. Но не забывайте повторять слова из предыдущих подборок
Katy Perry - Roar
Ed Sheeran - Shape of You
Justin Bieber - Sorry
Wiz Khalifa - See You Again