Thyroid gland, diseases and treatment of the thyroid gland in the Thyroid Clinic of Dr.A.V. Ushakova
When choosing a treatment for the thyroid gland, it is important to understand what is specifically proposed, what the therapeutic measures will lead to, what will happen to your thyroid gland. Try to find out in advance from your doctor the meaning of treatment, its purpose and expected result.
Or THERAPEUTIC FROGS of Dr. Aliyev for the Thyroid Goiter
The original method of treatment is applied by the doctor Sahib Aliyev in the treatment of patients with goiter of the thyroid gland (Gekchay, Azerbaijan). He puts the frogs on the patient's neck and ...
Such a folk treatment in the hands of a doctor is surprising. But Dr. Aliyev claims that in three days of this application of the frog to the patient's neck, the goiter can be cured. Even an impressive number of successfully restored patients is called - 500 people.
This information went to our clinic from Publication in the pages of this Azerbaijani informational bulletin is focused only on the level of faith of patients in the existence of a wonderful folk way that you just need to find, and the rest is a matter of popular wisdom. As in this case: 1-2-3 days of mental and physical "torture" of frogs and everything is OK.
Dr. Aliyev talks about the goiter of the thyroid gland, without specifying the clinical version of the goiter. Goiter gland can be diffuse and nodular. It can be of varying degrees of severity (size, exhaustion, changes). With goiter there can be a different level of hormonal metabolism, a different depletion of the gland tissue.
Diffuse goiter of the thyroid gland 1st stage very well reversible simply by removing the causes of gland overstrain. According to the classification of our clinic, also applies to diffuse goiter 2nd stage.
If goiter 3d stage. (especially 4 or 5stages), then compensatory processes in the gland tissue (formation of additional tissue) do not allow not only for 3 days, but for 3 months to reduce the size of the gland. The same applies to the nodular goiter associated with the growth of tissue in the nodes inside the thyroid gland.
Dr. Aliyev told a reporter that he was testing patients with ultrasound before treatment. But what exactly does he evaluate with ultrasound? Why does not report the results of ultrasound after his "treatment with frogs"?
Well, the doctor can and probably should pay attention to the popular methods of treatment. As the saying goes, "a fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson to a good fellow." This wisdom would have to go through the medical intellect and at least written in the form of medical observations in signs, research data (ultrasound, blood test, etc.) before and after, taking into account modern knowledge of the processes in the thyroid gland.
This is all the more relevant because in Baku it has been successfully for many years and still at the Department of Anatomy of the Baku Medical University under the guidance of prof. V.B. Shadlinsky successfully investigated histological changes in the thyroid gland with goiter and other conditions.
Dr. Aliyev says that apart from him, no one else can be treated with frogs (neither his children nor the local nurse). It is strange to perceive such words from a doctor: "I put a frog on the patient's throat, it pulls out all the poisons and toxins from the body, and at this time I also feel unpleasant sensations." It is clear that frogs do not possess such physical and chemical abilities. Otherwise it would have been known and would have been obtained regardless of who performs the frog-treatment procedure (wound-therapy :). One can only assume the influence of stress and the authority of the doctor, through the nervous system along the nerve paths on the thyroid gland.
Remember: the best guide is knowledge. Retain faith for your overall conviction of treatment success. But choose a healing path based on knowledge!
Our Clinic tries to help patients to obtain reliable knowledge in an accessible form with the help of books and films.
Dr. A.V. Ushakov
According to the materials…/zob-shhitovidka-ljagushki-vrach.html