Unfortunately, we live in a time where the guy you just started dating thinks it’s OK to ask you to send him a naked selfie via text.
Men will often use something you say as a reason to go five steps ahead and they are doing this as a way to test your boundaries.
So when you say just come out of the shower he says send me a pic then at this point you choose which type of woman you want to be.
Do you want to be passive and just be like no i can`t and then keep going with the conversation. Do you want to be aggressive and say i am not that kind of woman why would you assume than i would send you a picture or do you want to be the charming woman who shows her standard but also how sexy.
She is at the same time now i have a way for you to do this a very simple message that will separate you from every other woman you say i think you have me confused with a future me we`s been on many dates with you
Now beauty of this is that on one hand you have shown your standard by saying i would not do that so soon but on the other hand you have you have shown you are not a prude in other words.
If he were the guy that invested in you and spent many more dates with you you would would be the type of person that would be prepared to be intimate with him in a variety of ways but you have to be earned intimacy with you has to be earned do