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Яна Беркетова

Why should we find job satisfaction?

  • Each of us wants to find a dream job and get from that satisfaction and money but most of people still have unloved jobs and suffer from it. Nowadays, we can distinguish two groups of people. The first one adores their activity and get satisfaction from it .Also ,due to their love from work they can bring many benefits. They never feel exhausted and depressed. The second one absolutely dislike their job and to what they do. Actually, they attend work only for earning money without any enthusiasm. Also, they are irritated.
  • figuring out why this happens is not so tense. People feel themselves out of sorts because of the long career choice. No doubts, due to that many of us can reveal their potential and can not fully invest in the work. Also, this happens because most of us do not know in which area we need to develop our skills.
  • So ,now let’s consider some ways in which field person should realize himself. In my opinion, the best way is to try ourselves in different hobbies and starts attending some courses. Due to that a person can find out his talent and raise his self-esteem. The main thing is to properly understand how we want to leave our life‘s
  • Also, because of a right decision a lot of people enjoy going their job, earning big money. Moreover, following the statistic that I have read in internet we can observe that people who feel satisfaction from job are happier then other people
  • In conclusion I would like to sayin order to be absolutely happy a person need to have satisfaction from work, high self-esteem and finding his calling