Why I Chose Automobile As My Career: To this day, I am a car enthusiast. I've always had a love for cars and like to enjoy the latest and greatest on the market. As you can imagine, that means very old car parts! What was once the pinnacle of performance is today trash. How Did This Automotive Career Begin: I have always been very passionate about cars. I always had a little automotive history going on. I'm sure you've had similar experiences. But when I was really young, it was a good time to buy your first car and start an automotive career. Many people were able to buy their first car by winning the lottery or going on the fast track at the local track
How Automobile Has Motivated Me To Success, And What It Means For Me, In 2018." Frazier also had some fun with ESPN's "Time, Life & Money" show and his Twitter following: And he fired off a few funny tweets to Instagram, comparing himself to LeBron James and Jessica Simpson: (Shoutout to comedian Logan Cunningham, who reminded him of what he was good at) And if you follow him on Twitter, you'll see he's been retweeting a lot of messages from prominent people in the public eye. But his now-famous in-flight trip to Florida lasted just an hour: Frazier also made a special guest appearance on Time's popular