Английский алфавит для моих маленьких друзей! Еще никогда так весело мы с вами не учили буковки и первые слова. Смотрите развивающее видео на канале Эль Ниньо ТВ 💖
English alphabet for my little friends! We have never had so much fun learning letters and first words. Watch an educational video on the El Nino TV channel 💖
☺ Creativity and joy on the El Nino TV channel. Also toys and funny videos for children: Paw Patrol, hot wheels, transformers - Decepticons and Bumblebee, play-doh, hotwheels cars, ninja turtles, superheroes, nerf blasters, playmobile constructor adventures, reviews, unpacking and always new funny video stories. Have fun with us!
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