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Эль Ниньо ТВ

Коллекция песенок для детей на английском 🎼 | Children's song collection 🎼

Children's song collection - easy to remember words and a funny rhythm that even parents will sing along to! Watch the new video on the El Nino TV channel.

Funny baby song | Hello, hello! 👋🏽 ⇨ https://youtu.be/YWklS7toBH4

Wheels on the bus 🚌 | Funny children song ⇨ https://youtu.be/nMIPTewaq_s

Funny baby song London Bridge is falling down 🏗 ⇨ https://youtu.be/gAsSfYRaiaA

Finger family song 🖐🏼 Daddy finger | Pow patrol 🐶 ⇨ https://youtu.be/nwLf4kmwZno

Finger family song 🖐🏼 Daddy finger | Peppe Pig 🐷 ⇨ https://youtu.be/meYjb6D_9lY

☺ Creativity and joy on the El Nino TV channel. Also toys and funny videos for children: Paw Patrol, hot wheels, transformers - Decepticons and Bumblebee, play-doh, hotwheels cars, ninja turtles, superheroes, nerf blasters, playmobile constructor adventures, reviews, unpacking and always new funny video stories. Have fun with us!

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#childrenssongcollection #elninotv #funnychildrensong #сидимдома #эльниньотв