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Сленг Кокни. Словарь (Слова на A) + Примеры

Не буду заново открывать Америку и подробно рассказывать, что же такое Кокни, поэтому если вы только начинаете своё знакомство с этим интереснейшим лондонским акцентом, то советую перейти сюда, сюда, обязательно сюда и сюда для ознакомления (это правда интересно!) После возвращайтесь к этой статье для расширения своего кокни словарного запаса.

  • Ache and Pain - rain - дождь

I wish the Ache and Pain would stop.

  • Acker Bilk - milk - молоко

Would you like Acker Bilk in your coffee?

Acker Bilk (born Bernard Stanley Bilk) was born in 1929 is a master of the clarinet and leader of the Paramount Jazz Band. Interestingly, his nickname Acker is a Somerset term meaning friend or mate
  • Adam and Eve - believe - верить

Can you Adam and Eve it?

  • Adam and the Ants - pants - штаны

I want you to see my new yoga Adam and the Ants.

  • Adam Faith - safe - сейф, безопасный

Let's put in our money in the Adam Faith, there's some right dodgy chancers in this hotel.

  • Adrian Mole - dole - пособие (по безработице)

I'm on the old Adrian Mole

  • Advice from Mother - rubber (contraception) - резинка (контрацепция)

Did you use your Advice from Mother?

  • Air Gunner - stunner - красотка (потрясающее зрелище)

She's a right Air Gunner!

  • Airs and Graces - braces - брекеты

He's got his new Airs and Graces on.

  • Al Capone — telephone - телефон

She just keeps talking on the Al Capone.

  • Alan Whicker - 1 pound (nicker) - 1 фунт

Go down the pound shop - everything's only an Alan Whicker (Nicker).

Alan Whicker was a popular TV journalist specialising in travel programmes. He popularised the package holiday in the 70s.
  • Alan Whickers - knickers - трусы

Where's my Alan Whickers?

  • Albert Hall - ball - мяч

I got kicked in the Albert Halls.

  • Alf Garnett - hair - волосы

Been in the barbers to get something done about my Alf Garnett.

Double Slang. Alf Garnett is a rhyme for Barnet (from Barnet Fair). Barnet Fair is in turn slang for hair.
Alf Garnett was a famous Cockney character in the British sitcoms Till Death Do Us Part, and In Sickness and In Health, played by Warren Mitchell.
Alf Garnett was a misanthropic, small-time racist, thwarted by the world changing around him.
Alf Garnett
Alf Garnett
Because he was completely bald, it's no wonder that his name became rhyming slang for hair.
  • All Behind - blind - слепой

They say love is All Behind though it can hear.

  • Alligator - later - позже

Tell her to thank me Alligator.

  • Almond Rocks - socks - носки

You can borrow dad's Almond Rocks.

  • Andy Cole - goal - цель, достижение, гол

However, such a global eco-efficiency Andy Cole is highly ambitious.

  • Andy Pandy - dandy - стиляга, щёголь

He's a bit of an Andy Pandy!

  • Ann Boleyn - gin - джин (алкоголь)

You have a Scotch, I'll have an Anny (сокращение от Ann Boleyn)

  • Apple Bobbing - robbing - ограбление

He's been out Apple Bobbing again.

  • Apple Cider - spider - паук

That Apple Cider has horrible hairy legs.

  • Apple Core - 20 pounds - 20 фунтов

I gave my last Apple Core to that old paraffin.

  • Apple Fritter - bitter (beer) - горький, горечь (пиво)

Pint of Apple Fritter, darling.

  • Apple Pie - sky - небо

The dark Apple Pie full of stars.

  • Apples and Pears - stairs - лестница, ступеньки

Up the Apples and Pears to Bedfordshire (Бедфордшир - церемониальное графство на востоке центральной части Англии. Другое значение - люлька)

In all of Cockney Rhyming Slang, Apples and Pears is by far the by the best known and most widely understood, even outside the UK. But in fact Apples and Pears is almost never used in real Cockney speech today. It's simply the slang's most famous example. Perhaps because it is the archetype of the genre, it has become cliché and passed out of real usage.
The first recorded usage of Apples and Pears came in the 1850's but it had fallen out of favour in print by the 1960's.
There are several alternatives for the word "stairs", including Fred Astaires, troubles and cares, and stocks and shares, but none have gained much traction or are in common usage today.
  • April Fool - tool - инструмент, орудие, средство

An April Fool designed for killing' people.

April Fools, meaning tools, usually means tools for crime.
  • April in Paris - arse - задница

I'll kick your April in Paris!

There's a long chain of evolution for April in Paris. It goes:

Arse = Bottle and Glass

Bottle = Aristotle

Shortened to Aris

Rhymed with April in Paris
  • April Showers - flowers - цветы

Picking April Showers indicates a gentle soul.

  • Army and Navy - gravy - соус, подливка

Can I have some Army and Navy for my mashed?

  • Artful Dodger - lodger - квартирант

Don't think I have time to look for a new Artful Dodger now.

  • Arthur Ash - slash - тире, косая черта, дефис

Going for a quick Arthur Ash. ( Quick slash - заскочить)

  • Aunt Mabel - table - стол

Put the fruit on the Aunt Mabel.

  • Auntie Ella - umbrella - зонтик

it's starting to rain and me without my Auntie Ella.

  • Auntie Nell - bell - колокол, звонок

Give us an Auntie Nell tomorrow morning.

  • Auntie Nellie - belly -живот, желудок, пузо

I punched him in the Auntie Nellie but he didn't even notice.

  • Ayrton Senna - tenner - ten pounds (£10) - 10 фунтов

But they said a Ayrton Senna a week was too much for them.

A tenner is British slang for ten pound note.

ВАЖНО ЗНАТЬ: истинные кокни не всегда говорят рифму полностью.

К примеру: Вместо "Apples and Pears" они скажут просто "Apples"

Здесь собраны основные сленговые выражения классического кокни, НО носители языка выделяют ещё 2 вида:
Современный кокни
Мокни (mockney)
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