шо делоть если Вы дебик, и не умеете бекапить базы как человек?
человеческий вариант бэкапов:
“ You should use --events --routines when using mysqldump.You should use the --force option of the mysql client when loadingmysqldump output as part of a migration from MySQL to MariaDB, and in any other circumstance where system tables might vary between the source and destination.You must run mysql_upgrade after loading an SQL dump from any other version and/or any other software. “
Исправляем ошибку mysql:
vi /etc/my.cnf
service mysqld start
service mysql start
Complete the MySQL upgrade:
Remove the line with “skip-grant-tables” from the /etc/my.cnf file.
Restart MySQL:
service mysqld restart
service mysql start