Winter. Very cold! -15, -20 degrees. But people go out without a hat! Girls try to preserve the beauty of hair. Guys show their resilience in any weather. Additionally, he bares his head and some parts of the body ... youth fashion, which is not considered to be common sense (well, it's cold ... brrr!), or with reason (one can get sick!).
Do you think this is nonsense? What cooling heads only invigorates? What is enough to wrap a thick scarf around your neck? All this is cheating!
From the surface of the scalp is sent a huge number of nerve branches to the cervical nerve centers, from where the nerve branches go to the thyroid gland, brain vessels, eyes, nose, mouth and throat, etc. Excitation from irritated nerve cells spreads along this path. As a result, the indicated structures and organs are overstrained, depleted, and at one of the stages of weakening, signs of the disease begin to appear.
Someone needs 1 year, someone 2-3 years or 5 years. Every year, spent without a hat in the cold, brings you closer to illnesses! And, to very significant!
The young body has many compensatory forces. In every organ there are many strong cells that are ready to resist the loads (It seems that this will be a lifetime!) But regular overstrain depletes them, changes many processes, translates into a painful state.
Cold and drafts are enemies! Take care of yourself. Take care of others. Tell them. Do not let stupidity disrupt happiness - to have health.
Almost 200 years ago, in the winter, a merchant came to a reception in Moscow in the winter with a complaint of frequent headaches. Mudrov, knowing the peculiarities of the behavior of the Russian man, asked him about the gate through which he entered the capital. Having learned that through Spassky, he advised to use other gates, Borovitsky. The merchant's headache soon passed, as the merchant stopped driving up to the gate, to take off his hat in the cold and to be baptized on the icon set in the gate.
Check the state of the nerve centers of the neck, etc. can be in our clinic. For this purpose, medical thermography is carried out (our specialist will explain everything in detail!). Be warned in advance about your state of the nerve centers!
Wishing you health,
Dr. A.V. Ushakov