The diagnosis of AIT, that is, Autoimmune thyroiditis, worries almost every patient. Still would! How else can you respond to the "sentence" from the endocrinologist? But in reality, AIT is only a hypothesis.
Yes, a very common hypothesis in the world (i.e. assumption). Autoimmune thyroiditis is the subject of many scientific and popular articles, monographs and other publications. Hundreds of thousands!
And yet, AIT is only a hypothesis about "inflammation in the thyroid gland provoked by the immune system, which for some unknown reason perceives its organ as a stranger." This hypothesis is contradicted by many facts that they try not to notice. Contradictory facts are not given explanations and they are trying to keep clear. After all, the exposure of the AIT will lead to the collapse of a huge amount of scientific work and authority of many leading endocrinologists.
Therefore, knowledge about "Autoimmune thyroiditis" is carefully maintained and maintained by those who benefit from it. Strange as it may seem, the “order” established by them is important for the doctors, not the health of the patients. Modern doctors do not read scientific publications. They do not have their own opinions. Experts are dependent on the authority of the professorship and the opinions of other colleagues about them. Doctors have forgotten about professional honor. She was replaced by "Protocols" with "Recommendations" ...
In fact, the immune system has a beneficial effect on the thyroid gland, helping to remove cells that are depleted from overvoltage from it and regenerate due to regeneration. But without this real treatment, aimed at eliminating overstrain of the thyroid gland, leads to further depletion of gland tissue and activity of the immune system.
Such a real treatment interfere. Observation (without treatment !!!) and the use of hormone replacement care (without treatment !!!).