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Thyroid clinic

Antibodies help organs - the conclusion of the leading immunologists of Russia

Assumptions about autoimmune aggression against various tissues and organs have been seized by a large number of doctors. From them were transferred to patients. The Internet is full of various publications about the terrible consequences of autoimmune diseases (thyroid, kidney, liver, skin, pancreas, etc.). But the real facts are contrary to the ideas of autoimmune aggression. These facts were collected, analyzed and summarized in a scientific article by domestic immunologists.

The immune system is the lymphocytes of the blood, which penetrate into the organs and eliminate dead tissue from them, which help the regeneration of this organ.

In the journal of the Russian Academy of Sciences "CYTOLOGY" in 2018 Vasilyeva A.G., Churilova L.P., Trashkova A.P., Utekhina V.I. Evolution of the immune system and regulatory effects of antibodies. Vol. 60, No. 2, pp. 71-80.

In this paper, the authors showed important circumstances that were beyond the attention of practitioners. Consider some of this information - evidence of the lack of aggression of the immune system to the tissues of your body.

1. The history of the formation of the idea of ​​auto-aggression of the immune system is abundant in contradictions.

When a doctor opens up modern manuals or textbooks for doctors, he sees a clear text-definition about the aggressiveness of the immune system. Therefore, the specialist receives unambiguous unquestioned knowledge about the disease. For example, AIT is an autoimmune thyroiditis, i.e. supposedly an inflammation of the thyroid gland provoked by the immune system (by the way, for no reason at all; as you know, there is no specific cause of AIT).

Naturally, the doctor is convinced of the absoluteness of autoimmune aggression and reports this to his patients, shocking them with a sentence about the allegedly incurable and harmfulness of an autoimmune disease.

The doctor does not know how knowledge about autoimmune diseases was formed. Especially modern doctor, accustomed to trust the authorities, follow the "Protocols", not wanting to spend time reading the literature (scientific articles and monographs) and self-improvement, not interested in the true healing of their patients.

Typical case. We invited a doctor for an interview in our "Thyroid Clinic" in November. A young woman, 26 years old, arrives, completing with a red diploma "The 1st Medical University named after IM Sechenov" and then 2 years of residency in endocrinology at the ESC. We ask: "Read professional literature?". Replies: "Only" Protocols "and attend conferences, seminars".

When asked if she knows that the concept of AIT is just a hypothesis, and not absolutely proven knowledge about the disease, the doctor is silently surprised (pause) and then reports that this is unbelievable and can not be.

The authors of the article directly indicate the sources of the hypothesis of autoimmune aggression.

2. Antibodies are found in healthy individuals! - an important proof of the falsity of the autoimmune aggression hypothesis.

Who still needs to maintain the hypothesis of autoimmune aggression? Why do doctors not provide true knowledge? Why do doctors themselves (people with higher specialized education) are not interested in facts and trust erroneous extracts, as well as ordinary people without medical education?

Look at the blood test form. Opposite to AT-TPO and AT-TG you will see that in NORM these antibodies also exist! This means that they are not aggressive, but perform the same action as with DISEASE, but less actively.

3. The immune system utilizes dead cells, i.e. "restores order" - harmonizes the balance of exchange processes.

4. The whole history of immunology to date is a sequence of hypotheses, models, and conclusions.

See what ideas the immune system offers leading experts. The word "HYPOTHESIS" in relation to the role of the immune system is repeated many times in the article.