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Александр Тамбовцев


Сегодня моя Наташенька перевела на английский язык то стихотворение, которое я посвятил Брюсу Ли. И я сразу же отправил его Линде и Шэннон, жене и дочери Брюса Ли.

Теперь жду ответа от Шэннон и приглашения в гости)

Dedicated to Bruce Lee

The 20th century presented us a lot of stars

An idol is a word which everybody knows from childhood

We gave a lot of strength to imitate them

And didn't notice something bad in it

Everybody had his own idol

The one who influenced on our opinions

But there was the only one who has changed the whole world

Unfortunately he had no chance to see his reward

He inspires us to personal victories

And helps us to strive for our dream

We are not afraid of obstacles and troubles

We are looking forward to useful beauty

He has changed a world of sport,games and culture

He made people respect himself and us

And showing relief of muscular system announced art to people

His legend started in San-Francisco

He was born in November in 1940

His career developed impetuously

He reached everything due to his hard work

He climbed the stairs with the battle

He overcame obstacles in his path

He trained so hard every day

Nobody can outdo it now

He is the one who can't be forgotten by us

His talent is unforgettable

He is the greatest master,He is Bruce Lee

His soul won't be disturbed by us

He agitated the whole world,his success is measureless

He remains a legend forever

Bruce showed natural result

What Hollywood star should be