Рубрика #аня_speaklikeanative становится постоянной по вашим просьбам!
Запоминаем и оставляем комментарии, мне они очень важны!!!
✔️ the world is your oyster - мир у твоих ног
✍🏻 You're young, you've got a lot of opportunities! The world is your oyster!
✔️ to be ON someone’s back - постоянно критиковать
✍🏻 Jane’s mom is on her back all the time about her grades, but she has no interest in the classes she’s taking this year!⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
✔️ dump (problems) on someone - “выливать” проблемы на кого-то
✍🏻 I'm sorry I just dumped it on you like that, but I had to tell someone about the issue!
✔️ take big swings - не бояться больших перемен/ совершать прорыв
✍🏻 He has to take big swings in order to move on!