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Investment and business

The bad news

  • Many thousands of investors and traders come to the market.
    With the desire to make a ton of money. Especially the traders.
    Yes, and many investors. Profitability of less than a thousand per annum does not suit. Especially, who has small accounts of 2-5 thousand dollars.

    Yes, there are some investors or traders on the market who make super profit. But their units. And basically it's often luck. Or a person is very experienced and professionally engaged in finance. Here both knowledge and skills and experience are needed.

    Many who write in PM, tell me they say, shares and where to invest. And high profitability is a must.

    But I do not give such advice. It's not so simple. It is important to enter the market correctly, understand what kind of stock it is. Understand what you will do in a given situation. And a number of important issues and nuances. A person without experience, especially who is not yet familiar with drawdowns and does not have the correct psychological preparation. It will not cope ...

    Yes, I make portfolios for clients. But I manage these portfolios myself. For 6 years, there have been various cases on the market and have seen a lot. For an ordinary inexperienced investor, it’s not so easy to figure it all out.

    Yes. And further.
    At the expense of profitability. I only work at foreign sites now. Profitability in dollars. All individually. Depends on your goals, risk profile and other points. As a rule, in ordinary years, the yield is from 10 to 30. In dollars. And this is a very decent profitability. And people have much more capital.
    There are customers at 10, 50, 100K and above. My largest customer is $ 5 million.

    So here. It is better to invest capital in low-risk instruments.
    They have higher diversification, they are long-term, and yield is less.
    But then, you sleep peacefully.

    In the USA, the market has existed for centuries. Many asset portfolios have been held for decades. And then they inherit the children and grandchildren. There is a high culture of investment. At the level of financial literacy.

    High profitability is a high risk. Many traders lose all their capital in the first year. A person loses his capital, and then says that he was deceived in the market. It's all a hurry .....

    And long-term investments are growing, and investors are getting richer and richer every year.

    And about the tools themselves. These are mainly stocks and ETFs. There are others, for example bonds. But I consider them, only as a way of preserving capital (short-term), but not multiplying. These examples are not about the Russian Federation, but the US markets.

    I already did posts about promotions. And about the ETF.
    And the fact that I work through a US broker - Interactive Brokers.

    From experience, I can say that it is more profitable to invest in ETFs for a long time.

Let me remind you.
ETF - Long-term portfolio.
ETF is an opportunity to earn for those who want to invest on the principle of "bought and forgotten." Such investors are also called passive.

No need to rush. Without experience and knowledge, losses await you. Do not pursue profitability. Annual profit, which is two three times higher than the bank deposit, is very good, believe me.

The situation is now favorable for investment. But for an investment that is reasonable and long-term. Without experience, you will even lose now. So be careful and attentive.

On the horizon of 3-5 years there will be significant growth in the markets. Now, a great opportunity to think about a passive portfolio.

Yes, one of the biggest crises in history is coming. But it is not eternal, and historically quotes have returned to their previous values ​​within a few years. Such opportunities do not happen every day. This happens once every 10-20 years. And you need to be ready to use them.

Wall Street has many tools and features.
The exchange itself in the USA (NYSE) exists already
since May 17, 1792.
That is, several centuries.

For you, there is a VK group
Investments and speculation in the

  • US market
    through a broker:
    Interactive Brokers

    (all about Interactive Brokers - from and to)


Always yours, Victor Bavin)


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