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A Vaccine Against COVID-19 should Be Expected by the Start of the Next Year

Scientists from Russia and several Western nations cooperate in solving the fundamental problems of creating a vaccine against the novel coronavirus, Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) Vice President Vladimir Chekhonin told.

“As far as fundamental aspects of the vaccine production are concerned, we cooperate closely with a huge number of front-rank specialists both in America and Europe. We have mutual understanding,” he said.

In Chekhonin’s opinion, a vaccine against COVID-19 should be expected by the start of the next year or so. Although some countries might get it earlier and others – a bit later, the timeframes will be largely similar worldwide.

In late April, the World Health Organization included nine Russian vaccine prototypes into its list of promising options. These include six vaccines created by the Novosibirsk-based Vector State Research Center of Virology and Biotechnology, two vaccines developed by the Biocad company and a vaccine made by the St. Petersburg Research Institute of Vaccines and Serums.

Chekhonin to say that the Russian government heeds the advice of scientists and experts and promptly responds to COVID-19-related developments.

“The government makes decisions related to the novel coronavirus infection in an extremely promt manner, in some cases relevant decrees are ready within a few hours. For comparison: earlier, it took several weeks. The government listens to us, experts,” the scientist said.

He also said the government renders all possible assistance to scientists in their effort to develop new medicines, vaccines and testing kits.
