Doctors recommend regular medication. But this is not an option! This is an endless way, with the replacement of drugs and the selection of doses. Instead of tablets, there are techniques and ways to reduce the tension of the heart and blood vessels. They have been repeatedly tested by generations of patients and doctors of past generations. Let's start with simple but effective.
1. Lie down horizontally, relaxing (without irritants like TV, etc.).
It is important exactly horizontally and conveniently. Try to relax your muscles. Try not to think about anything else. It takes from 15 to 30 minutes (depending on the circumstances - the time of day, the magnitude of the pressure, the individual characteristics).
2. During the day, often lie down for 15-20 minutes to lie down horizontally.
Even with good pressure, it is better to lie down preventively (15-20 minutes). After every 1-2 hours of work you need to lie down. The best rest for the body is not a change of activity, but relaxation in a horizontal position. So, every day, from 2-3 times to 10 times for 15-20 minutes, take a horizontal position and lie relaxed, eyes closed, trying not to think about anything.
3. Drink water little by little during the day.
A sufficient flow of fluid into the bloodstream will not allow the heart to overload. An insufficient amount of blood in the vessels may, on the contrary, lead to a greater overload of the heart. This happens when, during the period of work (especially in summer), the body needs water. Do not confuse sufficiency with excess!!! Excess water can put pressure on the cardiovascular system. Control the ability of your body to distribute water and absorb its volume.
4. Reduce the amount of salt in food.
Known recommendation. Just do not add additional vegetables, salads, soups, etc. This will eliminate excess water and do not overload the vessels and the heart.
5. Foods are important foods with magnesium, potassium and calcium.
Magnesium reduces the excitation of nerve cells that affect the vessels and the heart. Potassium contributes to the distribution of electrolytes. Calcium improves contractions of the heart and is involved in maintaining acid-base balance and nerve conduction.
6. Drink dark chocolate.
Cocoa flavonoids reduce the tension of the vascular wall.
7. Oxygen is important.
Air the room where you are. Lack of oxygen leads to increased heart function and vasoconstriction, which increases blood pressure in hypertension.
8. Negative air ions of Chizhevsky.
Better - a real chandelier by Chizhevsky. But it will be replaced by natural conditions. Stay close to the flowing streams of water, near the sea surf, walk alongside spruce, pine trees.
9. The peaceful state of mind.
Do not watch television and other annoying programs and videos! Sincerely wish good to this world. Tune in a peaceful way.
10. Moderate heating of hands and feet.
Especially effective in the cold and cold season. Only with warm warm water and to saturation (no more) warm hands and feet, if they are cool and, especially, cold. Feel them, because it may seem that you do not feel cold. Reflexively along the nerve paths, the muscles of the vessels relax and expand.
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