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Сербия, третий квартиль (биология и сельское хозяйство), Genetica

Уважаемые коллеги, доброго времени суток! Представляем вам сербское научное издание Genetica. Журнал имеет третий квартиль, издается Kluwer Academic Publishers, находится в открытом доступе, его SJR за 2018 г. равен 0,238, печатный ISSN - 0534-0012, электронный - 1820-6069, предметные области - Сельскохозяйственные и биологические науки, Общие вопросы медицины, Генетика, Растениеводство, Зоотехника и зоология, Энтомология. Редактором является Косана Константинов, контактные данные - genetika@dgsgenetika.org.rs, msnezana@mrizp.rs, вот так выглядит обложка журнала:

Издание посвящено генетическим исследованиям всех организмов, включая генетику микроорганизмов, генетику растений, генетику животных, генетику человека, молекулярную генетику, геномику, функциональную геномику, селекцию растений и животных, популяционную и эволюционную генетику, мутагенез и генотоксикологию и биотехнологию. Журнал публикует оригинальные статьи на английском языке (научные статьи, обзоры, краткие сообщения), которые ранее не были опубликованы.

Пример статьи, название - HORTICULTURAL EVALUATION OF ADVANCE BREEDING LINES POSSESSING DIFFERENT COMBINATIONS OF Ty AND Ph GENES IN TOMATO (Solanum lycopersicum L.). Заголовок (Abstract) - Agro-statistics, India is the second largest tomato producer only after China in the world. Tomato crop is grown round the year due to wider adaptability but production is adversely affected due to high incidence of tomato leaf curl virus and late blight diseases. These pathogens have enormous capacity to generate new forms and control of these pathogen are mainly achieved by chemical approaches which is not safe for environment as well as for human beings and also add an extra cost in tomato production. Therefore resistance breeding is best approach to manage these types of diseases along with improvement of yield and quality parameters. Five genes viz. Ty-1, Ty-2, Ty-3, Ph-2 and Ph-3 were tried to pyramid from different parent through hybridization to achieve resistance against tomato leaf curl virus and late blight diseases. In this study, 122 advance breeding lines of tomato were evaluated in 2016-17 and 2017-18, through phenotypic and genotypic screening to identify best lines having resistance to both the diseases with better horticultural traits. Punjab Chhuhara cultivar was used as common susceptible check to both the diseases while PVB-4 and LBR-10 were used as resistant 772 GENETIKA, Vol. 51, No3, 771-788, 2019 checks for tomato leaf curl virus and late blight disease, respectively. Out of 122 lines evaluated, 12 lines were found to be having resistance against both the diseases with different combination of Ty and Ph genes. Among them, four lines viz. TW-4-5G-12, TW-5-1E-7, PR-DH-15-7-11 and PR-DH-28-11G-13 having resistant to both diseases and produces 3.14, 3.90, 2.74 and 3.84 yield kg plant-1 which is more than all the three standard checks. These resistant lines could be evaluated in multi-locations for their commercial exploitation. Keywords: genotypic and phenotypic screening, late blight, tomato leaf curl virus Agro-statistics, India is the second largest tomato producer only after China in the world. Tomato crop is grown round the year due to wider adaptability but production is adversely affected due to high incidence of tomato leaf curl virus and late blight diseases. These pathogens have enormous capacity to generate new forms and control of these pathogen are mainly achieved by chemical approaches which is not safe for environment as well as for human beings and also add an extra cost in tomato production. Therefore resistance breeding is best approach to manage these types of diseases along with improvement of yield and quality parameters. Five genes viz. Ty-1, Ty-2, Ty-3, Ph-2 and Ph-3 were tried to pyramid from different parent through hybridization to achieve resistance against tomato leaf curl virus and late blight diseases. In this study, 122 advance breeding lines of tomato were evaluated in 2016-17 and 2017-18, through phenotypic and genotypic screening to identify best lines having resistance to both the diseases with better horticultural traits. Punjab Chhuhara cultivar was used as common susceptible check to both the diseases while PVB-4 and LBR-10 were used as resistant 772 GENETIKA, Vol. 51, No3, 771-788, 2019 checks for tomato leaf curl virus and late blight disease, respectively. Out of 122 lines evaluated, 12 lines were found to be having resistance against both the diseases with different combination of Ty and Ph genes. Among them, four lines viz. TW-4-5G-12, TW-5-1E-7, PR-DH-15-7-11 and PR-DH-28-11G-13 having resistant to both diseases and produces 3.14, 3.90, 2.74 and 3.84 yield kg plant-1 which is more than all the three standard checks. These resistant lines could be evaluated in multi-locations for their commercial exploitation. Keywords: genotypic and phenotypic screening, late blight, tomato leaf curl virus Agro-statistics, India is the second largest tomato producer only after China in the world. Tomato crop is grown round the year due to wider adaptability but production is adversely affected due to high incidence of tomato leaf curl virus and late blight diseases. These pathogens have enormous capacity to generate new forms and control of these pathogen are mainly achieved by chemical approaches which is not safe for environment as well as for human beings and also add an extra cost in tomato production. Therefore resistance breeding is best approach to manage these types of diseases along with improvement of yield and quality parameters. Five genes viz. Ty-1, Ty-2, Ty-3, Ph-2 and Ph-3 were tried to pyramid from different parent through hybridization to achieve resistance against tomato leaf curl virus and late blight diseases. In this study, 122 advance breeding lines of tomato were evaluated in 2016-17 and 2017-18, through phenotypic and genotypic screening to identify best lines having resistance to both the diseases with better horticultural traits. Punjab Chhuhara cultivar was used as common susceptible check to both the diseases while PVB-4 and LBR-10 were used as resistant 772 GENETIKA, Vol. 51, No3, 771-788, 2019 checks for tomato leaf curl virus and late blight disease, respectively. Out of 122 lines evaluated, 12 lines were found to be having resistance against both the diseases with different combination of Ty and Ph genes. Among them, four lines viz. TW-4-5G-12, TW-5-1E-7, PR-DH-15-7-11 and PR-DH-28-11G-13 having resistant to both diseases and produces 3.14, 3.90, 2.74 and 3.84 yield kg plant-1 which is more than all the three standard checks. These resistant lines could be evaluated in multi-locations for their commercial exploitation.

Keywords: genotypic and phenotypic screening, late blight, tomato leaf curl virus